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Showing: 7833 filtered startups

Search AI

We are building the next generation AI search engine for enterprise that scans files and data silos and all netowrk activity to provide real time natural language responses to questions. Its Siri for enterprise. We are launching our European HQ in Copenhagen.  We are now fully funded and looking to expand internationally.


Vores mission er at gøre det nemt og gratis at finde en optimal kostplan. bliver en platform hvor brugerne kan publicere og hente kostplaner. Det er nemt at finde en kostplan som passer til dine præferencer, formål og kalorieindtag


JUST MONEY aggregates and compares financial options for individual danes. At JUST MONEY we recognize that there are tons of finance options available online, but its hard to find the one that suits your needs.We at JUST MONEY have developed an unique algorithm, that can match you with your best ledning options online with just a few clicks.


Hvad hvis du kunne vinde noget hvergang du handlede i din lokale butik? Det kan du med BackRoll! Hvergang du køber får du et lod og med det samme vinde!


Cloud-based solution for sports clubs and teams. Comprehensive member and club/team management. Payment processing as a service. Klubmodul has 2 offices in Denmark, 1 office in Oslo, 1 office in Hamburg.   Our Mission To provide sports team and club owners a complete online solution for all their online presence and member recruitment, sign-up, scheduling, and payment processing   Pain We Address Sport clubs are not proficient in setting up and managing team and member administration tools for their business online    Our Solution One-stop shop for all the tools needed to manage a team or club including the development and online management of the website, member signup, scheduling, communication (email/text) and payment collection/processing

Den Jyske Vinmager

Jeg har opstartet et enkeltmandsfirma, hvor jeg laver vin. Jeg har lavet en æblevin og 2 rødvine. En rødvin mere og en solbær vin er igang. Det jeg skal bruge er kapital til gæringstanke, større lokaler, andet udstyr og marketing .

Hos Respace kan man få adgang til markedets bedste og billigste markedsføring, baseret på fair afregning. Respace vil have markedets største udvalg og kan derfor bruges af alt fra erhvervsejendomsmæglere, ejendomsselskaber og virksomheder til boligforeninger og private ejendomsinvestorer, der har erhvervsejendomme og lokaler til salg eller leje.Som kunde hos Respace er der ingen økonomisk binding, ingen minimumsperiode og ingen komplicerede afgifter at tage højde for. Med enkel prisstruktur og nem integration af ejendomsdata, ønsker Respace at sikre mindst muligt administrativt besvær for udlejerne.Respace har været under udvikling siden 2013 og er resultatet af et ønske om at forbedre brugernes oplevelse, udvikle den digitale emnepræsentation og styrke samarbejdet mellem udlejer/sælger og kunde.

Katoni er en online shopping portal, der samler tusindvis af varer inden for tøj, sko og accessories fra danske og udenlandske online shops. Det er i forvejen nemt at handle tøj, sko og accessories online. ønsker at gøre shopping oplevelsen endnu nemmere for forbrugerne ved at samle tusindvis af varer fra de allerbedste danske og udenlandske online shops. Vi vil gerne tilbyde forbrugerne en nem og overskuelig måde at finde de varer, de søger, til den bedste og billigste pris.


We believe in people!If you listen to your people, trust and engage them, then there are no limits to what you can achieve as an organization. We help you succeed through an Organizational Network Analysis that allows you to connect to your people.  We were born global and obsessed with quality! Our clients are some of the worlds leading brands from across the world and across industries, but also smaller companies with 100 employees. With a client satisfaction average of 4,7 on a 1-5 scale.

Floragora er et online plantemarked, hvor man kan bytte, købe, sælge og bortgive blomster og planter. Navnet er en sammenskrivning af "flora" og "agora", der betyder hhv. planteliv og markedsplads/mødested.


Foxylex is the most modern online legal and law report in Denmark. We consolidates daily all laws of Denmark with the new changes, and displays them in a clear way.We have over 125,000 cross-references that makes it easier to read and understand legal texts, and more than 50,000 comments from the laws processors, providing insight into the background of the laws and their amendments (comments from processors appear on individual articles).With more than 17,000 decisions, and a detailed and functional research tool, we are the best tool for legal contemplation. Anyone can use Foxylex, but our specialized tools are made for professionals and requires subscription.


AeonCine produces camera accessories used in professional film production. The film industry has been shifting from analogue to digital. The developments of cameras are moving towards smaller products containing more attributes. Much camera accessories have not followed this trend and still use old and larger standards. With the use of leight-weight materials AeonCine is now putting and end to this way of thinking. Through an innovative design AeonCine is now ready to set a standard for the new wave of film making.


GoMentor is the biggest online marketplace for Psychologists, Therapists and Coaches in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. We have more than 70.000 monthly users and more than 600 active mentors to help them move their life forward. We want people to reach their full potential by offering therapy and coaching on modern peoples premises. Online video therapy and coaching is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years, and GoMentor is fighting for being the most used platform in the world within this field.

MeeWee ApS

Human Friendly Leave Management. MeeWee easily integrates into renowned backends, EIS- and ERP-systems such as SAP ECC, but is also a stand-alone solution for those without current backends, or without any interest in integration.  Submit Leave of Absence, days off and vacation, register your work hours or "call-in" sick from mobiles or desktops - in a few seconds!

Rocket Startup

Rocket Startup er en iværksætterplatform, hvis mission er at skabe flere iværksættere. Rocket Startup består af redskaber og inspiration til dig der gerne vil bygge et KICK ASS startup. Vores vision er at være stedet der håndterer dit startup, derfor er vi på udkig efter passionerede ildsjæle, der vil være med til at gøre en forskel for andre iværksættere!