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Showing: 7833 filtered startups


We offer a user-friendly SaaS-solution (called Strivr) that is designed to minimize the time spent on keeping track of, following up and planning recurring tasks and processes, all to make life a bit easier for people working in and managing their operations.It has been very well received by our existing clients within the financial services industry who all use it daily to stay on top of their work.

Boogiloo Aps

Boogiloo er skabt af forældre til forældre, og til alle andre, som har små dejlige mennesker i deres liv, der skal have nyt til garderoben. Forestil dig, som forælder at kunne forkæle dine dejlige børn med top lækre brands og produkter af en meget høj kvalitet! Forestil dig dernæst altid at få adgang til de billigste priser i Danmark når du køber tøj, sko og accessories til dine børn. Velkommen til Boogiloo - Danmarks største forældreklub.



Vowly is a digital marketplace where wedding couples and wedding vendors meet. Say goodbye to long email threads and phone calls where you forgot what you agreed upon. At Vowly, you can plan everything with our intuitive planning and budgeting tools as well as find and book local vendors in one place. Everything is done digitally with direct contact between the couples and the vendors.

Eurogulf Consulting

Media Mondays: a platform for Norwegian startups to market their products to existing businesses and large corporate. Introduce Norwegian startups to the Middle Eastern market and help them get funding, market knowledge and exposure within the region.Develop both external and internal communication strategies for businesses using the latest communication technology We are a group of professionals with varied background ranging from Marketing, business development, corporate communication, PR, Innovation, Event, Training and development, Recruitment, Artificial intelligence, Civil engineering and Project management. With a multi-national team hailing from Norway, Sri Lanka, China, Somalia, Russia, Bulgaria: our wealth of business and cultural knowledge gives us a wider scope of the market.Helping Norway go beyond oil and embrace an ever changing business and technological environment is the primary goal. Instead of standing a part any struggling for success, we strongly believe in collaboration and making an impact as a collective.

Future Dialog

Future Dialog is a leading citizen engagement platform for cities and municipalities, providing a turn-key solution to engage members of the community in decision making. Future Dialog powers citizen engagement in over 15 cities to date and is growing in the Nordics and internationally. We will bring people to the core of community development with our innovative mobile engagement platform.

EcoFarm Technology

EcoFarm is a new way of indoor planting with unique Norwegian technologies providing us with fresh and healthy vegetables, barriers and herbs, all important nutritions that we lack buying from food chains. Being the owner of EcoFarm, we become a part of a human society protecting our planet from ever-growing food demands and helping to stop deforestation caused by increasing agricultural industry. EcoFarm is designed for all of us. It’s time to reconnect with our most valuable life source. We are the team of enthusiastic people with more than 10 years background experience in mechanical and electronic engineering. We are trying to convince people to grow their own food indoor rather than buying it. With current technologies we implement in our EcoFarm it is possible!

Coinbox er en online platform med køb og salg af bitcoins. Den bagvedliggende teknologi, blockchain, er i følge flere eksperter den største opfindelse siden internettet. Vi synes selv den digitale valuta og dets "konkurrenter" er spændende. Coinbox platformen er et samarbejde med, som leverer bitcoins til vores kunder og styrer backend.


Praesidio Totalis AS er et aksjeselskap som ble stiftet i 2013. Det ble etablert på grunnlag av et konkret behov som eksisterende produkt ikke kunne dekke; enkel og intelligent brannsikring av komfyrer og andre elektriske apparat, uten at brukeren trenger å forholde seg til et nytt system, nye knapper og nye lyder, og uten at det kan settes ut av spill av for eksempel demente personer eller uansvarlige leieboere på felleskjøkken. Vi selger våre produkt under merkenavnet homeGuard til blant annet asylboliger, aldersboliger og studentboliger, i tillegg til private hjem. Våre produkt får innpass fordi de ivaretar brannforebygging ved hjelp av tilstedeværelse og røykdeteksjon, og, det beste av alt, fordi det kan monteres av hvem som helst; plug-and-play. Det betyr ingen dyr installasjon, enkel og sikker bruk.


We are innovating the way complex diseases are diagnosed.We have a commitment to be get the patient tested so the patient can be treated. Our diagnostic kits will revolutionize the way tick-borne diseases are diagnosed with 90% cost reduction for the patient.Tickplex products are on the market now and are testing up to 15 microbes that are associated with a tick bite and tests for different disease stages all in one plate.

Snowcastle Games

We develop our own IPs from concept to finish using Unity3D as our platform.The first title released by Snow Castle was Hogworld: Gnarts Adventure. It won universal acclaim and made the Apple App Store Best of 2011 List. Currently we are focused on our next big release, Festival of Magic. We're also home to the gameBase© database of video games, a huge repository of information on games.


Solcellespesialisten drives av selskapet Sivilingeniør Carl Christian Strømberg AS. Dette selskapet eies foruten av grunnleggeren Carl Christian Strømberg av personer med lang erfaring innen solcelleteknologi, distribusjon og elektromontasje. Virksomheten ble startet i 2005, og har frem til 2013 hovedsaklig arbeidet med å inngå avtaler med internasjonale partnere, gått på kurs og testet ulike løsninger og produkter i Norge. I denne perioden så omsatte virksomheten for ca 2 MNOK pr år. I januar 2014 så vi at vi fikk så mange forespørsler at vi fikk våre første 2 fulltidsansatte og vi begynte for alvor å satse på solcellesalg i Norge. Vi er i dag blitt Norges ledende solcelleleverandør, med flest nettilkoblede solcelleinstallasjoner i Norge, Vi har pr oktober 2016 levert anlegg fra 100Wp til 684.000Wp. 95% av alt salg vi har er indirekte via partnere som strøm og nettselskaper, elektriker, entreprenører mv. Våre salgskanaler bestemmer selv om vi skal kun levere materiell eller nøkkelferdige løsninger. Vi skal være det ledende selskapet innen distribusjon og montasje av solceller i Norge. Dette vil vi få til ved å sørge for at vi har produkter som er raske og montere for å få lave monteringskostnader og vi har som mål at vi skal få samme eller lavere  kostnadsnivå på solceller og invertere som det er ellers i europa i dag. Det siste skal vi få til ved å kjøpe inn stort og hele tiden satse på vekst. Vi sørger også for at produktene vi selger har den beste kvaliteten som finnes i markedet og har heletiden løpende fokus på kvalitetssikring.


IntelZONE is an independent technical consultancy that specialises in implementing Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. We are the spearhead in Crayon Group on Internet of Things (IoT) delivering complete Solutions, Specialist Consulting and Support to a wide range of industries. We specialise in consultancy, managed IT services, hosted solutions and connectivity for a wide range of Businesses and public sector organisations across the EMEA. With a dedicated team of technical experts, IntelZone is committed to providing the highest standards of customer service – based on what customers need, rather than ‘off-the-shelf’ solutions. We help our clients build resilience at scale, flexibility for the future and differentiation of customer experience. And, we do this while minimising business-risk and build-cost. We specialise in assembling and integrating proven technologies, often building solutions around an existing core while enabling clients to prioritise their investment between commodity services and those that deliver competitive advantage. We design solutions that bridge and augment clients’ existing technology, reducing the operational risk of change.

HugHug AB

HugHug AB, established in 2015, is a Sweden-based innovative trading company performing commercial activities between Scandinavia and Asia. The essence of our business is to contribute amusing and functional featured products to the market, often with special focus on ecological, environmentally friendly, and sustainable area.


ProVinci was founded February 2015, based on a common problem, that inspired a simple idea. We wanted to make the paint job better, simpler, and greener. We quickly found out that there were many opportunities for improvements within the coating industry. Our goal is to make the everyday life of professional and private painters efficient, profitable and environmental focused. This is the background for our mantra: "The paintjob made easy". Our name ProVinci, can be divided in two: "Pro" comes from our deep desire to create solutions that are so obvious that they are a "must have" for every professional painter, but also suits every hobby painter. "Vinci" is inspired by the great inventor, painter, innovator, engineer, and legend, Leonardo Da Vinci. Vinci is a symbol of our desire to invent and create, with focus on design, and ease of use.