Our Motto:
Fighting fake news and misinformation on the Internet using technology.
At Unbiased, everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo of how we use the technology. We believe in thinking differently. We envision the true essence of a transparent and democratic world where every individuals’ opinion matters.
The way we challenge the status quo is by making the applications we build transparent, simple to use and innovative. By doing so, we believe that we will move forward altogether towards a healthy society where transparency, trust, and quality are valued.
Unbiased AB is a tech company based in Sweden, Fighting Fake News and Misinformation with a focus on futuristic innovation and next-generation technology. The areas we are focused on currently include Blockchain technology, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Natural Language Processing.
It's no secret that the current social media and Internet platforms have many flaws when it comes to transparency, privacy, and false information. With increasingly biased news in traditional media combined with false information on the Internet, people across the globe are not able to make decisions based on reliable data and insights. Fake News is not only affecting us as individuals but also our communities at large.
We are addressing the problem of Bias in technology, Fake news and the fact that it is difficult to follow up on the origin of news, data, and information. We are approaching this complex problem in a staged manner whereby we start at the core algorithm level of applications and we scale to the end-user interaction level. We believe that one single solution cannot address this issue, the only way to address this problem is by educating people, enterprises, communities and empowering them with necessary tools & solutions.