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Showing: 7833 filtered startups

Hilfr ApS

You could say that Hilfr is "Airbnb for private cleaning" but Hilfr is more than that Hilfr aims to provide decent working conditions for providers of cleaning services on our platform. As the first cleaning platform in Europe we have negotiated a collective agreement with a trade union (3F). This ensures that people working on Hilfr are guaranteed a good minimum salary, pension, holiday pay, access to sickness benefit and a number of other benefits. All Super Hilfr's are employed by Hilfr Aps which means that tax is payed in accordance with Danish law. Hilfr is a very intuitive and easy-to-manage platform. It is free to sign-up but everyone has to upload a picture of a personal ID, which is key part in ensuring a credible and secure platform. We charge the by far lowest fee in the market - only 6 percent. And our fee is not taken from the Hilfrs wage, it is added to the customer’s bill to ensure transparency. It is important for us to make sure that Hilfrs can keep as much of their pay as possible. That is only fair.


chefmade is the only platform in the world where you as a customer can book the best restaurant in a different price variety for a private in your own home. From Michelin starred restaurants, italian Trattorias, nordic cuisine etc etc. via chefmade you can fulfill the most important job when having guests at your own home for dinner. And that is to be present, not rush and stress in the kitchen. But being there for your guests, creating new memories and just having a great dinner while chefs from your chosen restaurant that has come to your home, serves the most beautiful and delicious dinner. Just stop there, don't even bother, just book your private dining via chefmade and have great one with your guests and the chefs from your chosen restaurant. It's that easy. make unique personalized portraits of dogs inspired by Danish design and delivered in high quality frames framed with the best glass product on the market. Dog owners have many memories from when their dog was a puppy and throughout its life. A dog is not just an animal, it’s a family member bringing joy and love to the whole family. By producing the portraits, we create long lasting memories of someone people truly love. All portraits are designed using high quality materials making it an exclusive, unique, high-end luxury product.

Møbel Kompagniet ApS

Møbel Kompagniet ApS er en ung ecommerce-first møbelforhandler, som pt. er i Danmark, men med planer om at skulle ud i Norden. Vi vil gøre online handel af store og uhåndterbar produkter til en leg, som sikre at kunderne vil blive ved med at komme igen - En sofa eller spisebord kan ikke bare leveres til nærmest pakkeshop, så last-mile og vores kunderejse er alpha-omega. Vi har fart på og har de sidste par år vokset toplinjen med +100% år til år. Vi sidder i skrivende stund 11 fuldtid på vores hovedkontor og lager i Herning. Teamet herude er præget af at være eksremt agile/omstillingsparate og har blod på tanden + Med en gennemsnitlig alder på 25 år, giver vi garanti for en fed hverdag!

SM Marketing ApS

SM Marketing is an agency specializing in online marketing, design and development. We strive to create better online (and offline) visual identities for our clients, as well as promoting their brand/content on the most relevant platforms. At SM Marketing, our clients and their projects are our main focus.

Plastic Change

Plastic Change en dansk miljøorganisation med et ambitiøst internationalt sigte Vi arbejder hårdt med at knække den stigende kurve over plastikspild. Plastik er overalt – på land og til vands. Tre generationers forbrug af plastik har sat sine spor. Kun en lille del bliver genbrugt eller destrueret. Resten ligger i naturen i hundredvis af år. Vi arbejder for at reducere vores enorme plastikproduktion ved blandt andet at eliminere unødvendig engangsplastik fra vores produkter, ved at sætte bedre rammer for hvordan vi designer produkter til mere genbrug, og det plastik vi ikke kan genbruge, skal vi kunne genanvende. Vi arbejder både på politisk niveau, sammen med befolkningen, i samarbejde med innovationspartnere, på internationalt niveau, sammen med forskere og med at uddanne vores fremtidige generationer om problemet. Plastic Change består af et fast dedikeret team og en række uundværlige frivillige kræfter. Alle yder en stor, uvurderlig og professionel indsats for, at organisationen kan gennemføre sine ambitioner om at knække kurven for plastikproduktion og hermed plastikforurening.

MULGEO copenhagen

MULGEO copenhagen Are a Danish design brand we make Sustainable multifunctional furnitures and other products.  Our main product is our Square fibre stool with rounded corners. It is made of 100% mono-materiel Kraftliner.  In addition, the material Kraftliner is made of replanted trees, which makes our stool to a CO2-neutral product. The stool is practical to use for outerwear and bags. Quality Multiple layer Kraftliner, waterproof and water-resistant Highest UN quality mark, Class X, Recycling Resy approved,  High pressure resistance approved for 350 kg.


At eLægen (The eDoctor) our mission is to make it easier for people to see their doctor. Our vision is with our online doctor´s consultations on video to make it the patient´s choice which doctor to see and when.  We have a very experienced team of business managers, doctors, IT- and eCommerce specialists. On top of that we offer Scandinavia´s widest selection of specialty doctors.


Syltedronningen is a premium brand for artisanal Danish preserves. I´m passionate about preserving and I want to share this passion with many more people and revive this classic craft as a kitchen essential. Syltedronningen makes artisanal preserves to be eaten wih all meals, gifted for any occasion and enjoyed as a creative craft.

Scale ApS

Scale hjælper virksomheder med at bryde barrieren til profitabel influencer marketing. Vi eksekvere kampagner og influencer marketing strategier for vores kunder, så det kører automatiseret. performance minded og profitabelt for vores kunder. Vi søger i øjeblikket nye medarbejder til stillingen; Campaign Specialist, hvor at du vil få lov til at sidde med store danske virksomheders influencer strategier, og eksekvering heraf.

Bendix Medier

Bendix Medier er en medieproduktionsvirksomhed i Aarhus. Vi producerer journalistiske stemningsvideoer til sociale medier og websites og derudover udvikler vi markedsføringskampagner og -materiale til at styrke virksomheders online tilstedeværelse på sociale medier. Vi har fokus på at fortælle nærværende historier på online platforme.

Recopat ApS

We provide a SAAS platform for managing patent documents. This allows users to keep track of their competitors patent publications in a simple manner. The focus is on providing a seamless user experience, to allow non professional users a good experience with monitoring patent information and at a low cost.


Hos Eiffel skaber vi kreativ kommunikation. Kampagner og deleværdigt indhold, som engagere dem, der oplever det - vi kalder det idéer, der rejser.Vi glæder os til at rejse med dig. Forbruger og kulturelle indsigter.Brand-, PR- og kommunikationsstrategierKreative koncepter og kampagnerDigital content strategi, idéudvikling og produktion är ett sidoprojekt som fått en trogen användarbas och som med mer engagemang skulle kunna växa betydligt mer. Den startades 2016 och har sedan dess växt stadigt men från låga nivåer. Tjänsten används för att bjuda in barn till barnkalas. Den har alla förutsättningar att få inbyggd viral spridning.


Videquus™ förstår hur din häst beter sig i olika situationer. Hästens rörelsemönster och ljud tolkas och informationen bearbetas i realtid. Om resultatet av tolkningen avviker från det normala skickas ett larm med bild och ljud till dig och du kan snabbt bedöma hur din häst mår och agera utifrån den information du har fått.