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Oamo is a company concept for a blue ocean company - a marketplace based on an old and enormous industry, that has yet stayed unchanged for thousands of years. Please, see the CTO co-founder job opening for further information into the conceptualization of the company as well as further information about the position itself.


Vi är ett av de mest snabbväxande ed-tech-företagen som innoverar och digitaliserar körkortsbranschen. Vi på Trafiko vill bygga en enklare och mer tillgänglig körkortsutbildning genom att tillhandahålla tjänster som ger körkortstagare den bästa möjliga upplevelsen. Vi hjälper över 15 000 körkortstagare årligen.


Do Something That Matters, Come as you are, Join instagang! As one of the world’s leading battery technology startups, instagrid is an inspiring and exciting place to work. We strongly believe that the future is driven by green electricity, and that it will replace fossil-fuel powered engines in most everyday applications in the immediate future. Our emission-free portable power solutions enable our clients to work more efficiently and to eliminate exhaust fumes and noise at their workplaces. Within less than two years, our committed team has developed an industry-leading technology platform from scratch and won large customers for it. Backed by renown international investors, we are now expanding our operations and preparing the launch of our first instagrid-branded product to become the leading provider for sustainable last-mile electricity. WHAT WE OFFER: THE WORK AND LIFE EXPERIENCE AT INSTAGRID PARTICIPATION - Make it! We welcome you to unleash your full potential and shape instagrid in all fields. IMPROVEMENT - Bring your input and learn from a highly skilled team to improve your skills EQUALITY - It's about working together BEING PART - See how a vision becomes reality INSPIRATION - Spend your workday in a startup environment, where you have freedom to create COMPETITIVE PAY - Benefit from a family friendly work environment INDEPENDENCE - Arrange your workday that it fits best for your needs TRANSPARENCY - Open doors for open minds


Reppio arbejder med event firmaer, der kæmper med at administrere deres event-ansatte. De gør det igennem Google kalender, facebook grupper, excel. Listen er lang og hovedpinen tung. Reppio er en mobil-app og platform til at administrere event-personale. Vi har været igang i knap 2 år, vores kunder kan ikke forestille sig en dag uden Reppio og deres ansatte synes det er fedt at have alt samlet ét sted! Vi er 2 personer i teamet så du har virkelig muligheden for at komme ind og arbejde med frihed under eget ansvar. Vi sidder i et kontor fællesskab så Fredags bar er stadig fuld af liv. Vi har vokset 120% i år og nu har vi brug for din hjælp til at vækste! Vi glæder os til at have dig med på rejsen! Reppio - for managers and their people

På sælger vi interiør og møbler.  Virksomheden blev stiftet i 2016, hvor vi i starten solgte vores varer på Efter nogle måneder påbegyndte vi udviklingen af - vores eget site, som blev lanceret i slutningen af 2017.  Siden har haft en kraftig vækst i 2018 og forventningerne til 2019 er gode.

Alfabeto ApS

Vores vision er at gøre “content” af høj kvalitet let tilgængeligt for verdens små og mellemstore virksomheder. Vores mission er at udvikle en online platform som gør “content” ligeså tilgængeligt som hvis det var in-sourcet, af en kvalitet som lavet af en fagspecialist og ligeså konkurrencedygtigt som i et bredt udbud.

Copenhagen Startup Weekend

We`ve been organising Startup Weekends in Copenhagen for 4 years, educating and inspiring hundreds of people to become entrepreneurs. We were lucky to see it from the first row how #CPHSW helped people get into the entrepreneur mindset and to try new challenges. We always believed that one of strongest forces were the network of people you created during those crazy weekends. This is why we created Startup Weekend Mega: The biggest Startup Weekend ever organised in Europe.  We´re an awesome group of volunteers coming from a wide variety of backgrounds. All of us have their own stories about how we ended up joining the #CPHSW family.  We are proud that we`re 100% voluntarily run organisation and that we created a culture where everybody feels safe to experiment and make their own decisions. And we`re always there to support each other outside Startup Weekends.  We think being part of the organiser family is an excellent opportunity to try out craziest ideas in your field. A playground where we can have a lot of fun and learn a ton. After years of experimentation now we`re organising our biggest event, Startup Weekend Mega, and we would like to involve new people on this journey. If this makes you excited then please feel free to reach out  or directly at the job posts. Fun guaranteed!;)

SbS Sweden AB

Vi står inför en revolution när det kommer till energiförsörjning. Här på Save-by-Solar ser vi en framtid där företag tar över kontrollen över sin egen elförsörjning genom solenergi och energilagring. Vårt mål är att skapa enkla, hållbara och säkra lösningar för kommersiella fastighetsägare och verksamheter.


Artboost is an eco-system of art aiming to democratize art and make it accessible, affordable and understandable for everyone.- Artboost has +1200 artists from over 60 countries exhibiting over 5,500 unique pieces of art.- The company is fully funded by its activity.- The company has been around for three years with continuous growth.The eco-system contains and so far.


Wallmob is a Danish software company, which develops as well as provides consultation and implementation of cloud-based, wireless Point of Sale (POS) solutions for retail stores and businesses globally, with the goal of improving the consumer experience and retailers’ bottom line. Our product range spans a variety of platforms - from iPad to the B2B POS, Wallmob offers a versatile and mobile POS solution for any kind of retail commerce store or business.

Nordic Health Lab

Nordic Health Lab bygger bro mellem private virksomheder og det offentlige sundhedssystem og hjælper med at udvikle og teste innovative sundhedsløsninger. De sidste måneder har i høj grad understreget, at verden står overfor stor sundhedsmæssige udfordringer - men heldigvis er der masser af kloge, skæve, underfundige og innovative idéer, som med den rette støtte kan realiseres og komme os alle sammen til gavn. Vi skaber løsningerne gennem co-creation med startups, multinationale virksomheder, sundhedsprofessionelle, borgere/patienter og andre relevante aktører.

Neki Sverige AB

Neki Sverige AB is a start-up selling GPS devices and developing GPS services for the elderly suffering from dementia. Our ambition is to bring peace of mind to families all over Scandinavia. We currently have 3000 clients all over Europe. Social entrepreneurship is the driving factor for us. Meaning that the more impact we make in society the more successful Neki will be.

AURIX law/project/finance

Aurix är den familjära juristbyrån med ett öppet förhållningssätt som moderniserar den juridiska branschen. Vår vision och målsättning är att göra juridiken tillgänglig för alla så att denna ses som en resurs istället för en belastning. Vi tar oss an alla uppdrag med stort engagemang för att finna rättvisa samtidigt som vi leder vår klient genom hela processen. Aurix eftersträvar att vara en trygg arbetsplats där vi värnar om varandra för att ta oss fram tillsammans.


Markettailor helps B2B marketers convert more website traffic using personalization without writing a line of code. Most businesses today have a generic website that tries to reach every customer segment, but customers are demanding more personalized services and communication. More relevant websites lead to higher conversions and better customer experience. We identify visiting companies on the site, segment them based on revenue and industry, and serve the most relevant version of the website to the visitor. Marketers are able create personalized content using our no-code point-and-click editor. Both founders at Markettailor are former software developers from Vainu (the leading company data platform in the Nordics) where we saw how data was used to improve sales. Markettailor was founded after we saw how firmographic data could be used to make customer experience better and more relevant in the context of marketing as well. We're building a culture based on customer-obsession, accelerated learning, and a sense of ownership. If these resonate, we'd like to speak with you.


Focus on your business, not software. Cursum helps companies build and scale their digital business with a proven all-in-one platform for e-learning, onboarding, compliance and much more. Contrary to many other learning platforms out there, we don’t believe there is one “best way to learn”. However, we do know that to create a strong learning culture you need a platform that is easy to use and integrates seamlessly into your organization. With more than one million courses completed on our platform we know a thing or two about how to do this right, the first time. With our proven software solution, we’ve helped hundreds of companies create, educate and grow their businesses online with a digital first mindset. In other words, you have the idea or know-how within a specific area, then we have the software to transform your knowledge into marketable and scalable courses with your own brands look and feel. Setting up another revenue stream for your business has never been easier.