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Om Learnlink Learnlink er et raskt voksende, norsk selskap som leverer skreddersydd læring på nett. Siden lanseringen i 2016 har vi vokst til å bli den største leverandøren i Norge av online én-til-én-undervisning og hjulpet tusenvis av elever på grunnskolen og VGS til å få høyere motivasjon og mestringsfølelse. Å JOBBE I LEARNLINK Learnlinks kjerneteam på 7 fulltidsansatte og 4 deltidsansatte driver selskapet fra dag til dag. Et erfarent og kompetent styre bidrar sammen med teamet til å stake ut selskapets retning, og de mer enn 300 personlige lærerne gjennomfører selve undervisningen. Vi har i tillegg et knippe dyktige rådgivere som bistår med alt fra kundeforståelse til strategi. Læring og utvikling i fokus Felles for alle som jobber i Learnlink er at vi er manisk opptatt av å lære. Vi legger opp til å vokse raskt fordi det er den beste måten å få jevn tilførsel av nye utfordringer på, og har en åpen dialog om hvordan vi selv og andre i teamet kan bli bedre. Påvirkningskraft Som et raskt voksende selskap i tidlig fase er det sjeldent mangel på utfordringer å løse eller områder å forbedre. Nye ansatte får raskt ansvar og er selv med på å stake ut retningen for å utvikle seg selv, stillingen sin og teamet som helhet. Datadrevet resultatorientering Vi bruker data aktivt i beslutningsprosesser og måling av fremdrift, og hver ansatt har ansvar for et knippe KPIer som definerer ansvarsområdene. Dette gjør det tydelig hvilke utfordringer som er de viktigste å løse og gjør det enklere å samarbeide om å komme videre. Du oppfordres til å være deg selv Learnlink-teamet består av ulike personligheter, men felles for alle er at de er spesielt gode på det de gjør. Det skal være komfortabelt å ta med seg både styrker og svakheter på jobb. Vi har mye sosialt i forbindelse med jobben, både planlagt og ad-hoc. ENGLISH In Learnlink, we make learning personal. As all children have different needs, it makes little sense to teach everyone in the same manner, which is why we provide learning that is tailored to the specific need of every child. Learnlink was founded in 2016 by three university students who experienced the tutoring market as old-fashioned and inefficient. Learnlink offers a tailored, personal one-on-one learning experience through their online platform in order to help children learn better and faster. As of 2020, Learnlink is the largest provider of online tutoring in Norway. More than 400 University students are engaged as tutors, helping thousands of children gain self-confidence, become motivated, and overcome learning obstacles.


We are an online service for housing sublets. Qasa is a startup aiming to change the dynamics of long-term housing rentals. Think of it as of an Airbnb for long-term housing making the market more accessible, transparent and safe. Our tools help you find the right tenant, manage contracts, payments and anything else you might find difficult with your rental.


Foopla is a biosystem uniting consumers, small local food producers, and small food shops - it’s totally free for shops and farmers. We believe that our IT environment is the missing ingredient to enable local food networks sprout. Imagine the abundance of local herbs, hand-made jams, fresh eggs and vegetables. All hand-picked for you by your shopkeeper - available via your iOS device. Contact me if you would like to join us.

Evermart A/S

Evermart is a young ecommerce company, which since it's start in 2014 has grown from a single man project and 10 products, to 16 employees and about 5000 + specializes in affordable consumer electronic with a high value for money. We don't believe that products should be overpriced just because they have a fancy name. This means that most of our products are from start up brands, or our own private label where you pay for the product only and nothing else.


Plant develops ambitious digital solutions which makes a measurable difference for their clients. Plant is keen on offering the users a good experience on every digital platform. Plant helps companies develop websites, smartphone apps and products for digital marketing and they believe that the best projects are created through a close dialogue between costumer and bureau.

Curb Food

Curb is ambitiously creating high quality food experiences fully tailored for home delivery. We offer different high quality food choices - all delivered to your doorstep at the same time. We don't compromise, so you don't have to either. We believe in adaptability, high quality and people. We are constantly staying in motion, adapting to change and that's why our tables have legs. Together we stand in the frontline of changing the restaurant industry with a large passion for food and a twist of tech.


We want to build the leading and most advanced sports betting exchange for trading Football players in Denmark. This will be a new concept on the Danish market introducing a new way for football fans to bet on the sport they love - to increase the excitement around the games and transfers - and earn money on their passion.

kleen hub

We are fighting single-use because we realized that the problem was not just plastic, but more in general our habit with single-use items. The restaurant and cafe sector uses large amounts of single-use containers that cause a waste of resources and a threat to the environment. We focus on solving this issue by providing reusable stainless steel food boxes and cups to restaurants and cafes and charge them by usage. Thanks to our free mobile app for consumers, we make sure that the product's circulation takes place smoothly by keeping track of the boxes and cups and ensuring that they are returned into circulation.

Call Knut

Call Knut is a check-in buddy for the elderly. Call Knut is a service that makes sure that the elder person takes their medication, checks the mental status and make conversation about things such as the news or the weather. The problem we want to solve is very personal - how can I use technology to better keep in contact with my elder father (89 years old, in another city) when I am mid-career with 3 small kids... We are in stealth. Knut is my father.

Mit Hjem (Bolighed/Totalkredit)

Vi er holdet bag, som for nyligt er blevet opkøbt af Totalkredit. Her skal vi skabe et nyt digitalt boligunivers kaldet Mit Hjem. Vi er et ungt og engageret team og en god blanding af UX'ere, udviklere, designere m.m. Lige nu sidder vi i Kødbyen på Vesterbro, men flytter snart over i Nykredits flotte lokaler på havnefronten på Kalvebod Brygge.


Hookle is super easy social media marketing app for small businesses ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Hookle makes the business use of social media easier and more effective so that everybody can use it like professionals. Hookle is a SaaS mobile application, targeted to B2B and especially for small businesses "the long tail". It is available on App Store and Google Play. Hookle makes social media management and advertising easy for small businesses. With Hookle you can manage, post and share content to multiple social media channels with one tool - and promote your business online by posting ads easily on Facebook/Google. The business model is freemium, with selected features under premium subscription, such as AI guidance (patent pending). Google has selected Hookle as a global showcase for its Flutter technology. Now everyone can use social media like a pro - social media all in one!

Katapult Ocean

We believe in making a positive impact. We believe in technology as the key driver to solve the challenges in the ocean. We believe in the untapped potential of our oceans. We believe in the untapped talent of the world. We are Katapult Ocean and we help build and scale profitable businesses with a positive impact on the ocean.

Min Doktor

Om Min Doktor Min Doktor är Sveriges första digitala vårdgivare och erbjuder patienter snabb läkarvård oberoende av tid och plats. Bolaget startades 2013 med en idé från en läkare som såg möjligheten att både effektivisera läkarens arbete och korta vårdköerna genom att skapa smidiga patientmöten på distans. Idag är Min Doktor en av Sveriges största vårdcentraler och har hanterat över en miljon patientärenden. Hos oss arbetar 200+ kollegor med varierande bakgrund och perspektiv - allt från vårdpersonal till utvecklare, marknadsförare och kvalitetssamordnare. Tillsammans utvecklar vi vår tjänst från huvudkontoret i Malmö eller från någon av våra mottagningar. Vår mångfald i såväl kompetens som perspektiv är en stark tillgång för såväl företaget som för våra patienter. Möjligheten att växa och lära från briljanta medarbetare är oändlig. Min Doktor är registrerad vårdgivare och omfattas av hälso- och sjukvårdslagen, personuppgiftslagen, patientdatalagen och patientsäkerhetslagen. Min Doktor ägs till 42 procent av Apotek Hjärtat och 58 procent av övriga ägare, däribland EQT Ventures Fund.

Nordic Startup School

Nordic Startup School aims to be the best program for pre-seed startups in Europe. While Tomi Terentjeff was living in US, he noticed that plenty of Finnish startups showed interest on US markets and were coming there to scout the market. Unfortunately most of the startups were not prepared to enter the US market, since a lot of funding is required and startups need to be precise on what they are doing and what value it is provided to the customers. Nordic Startup School was then founded to improve the quality of startups and educate their founders to become the best possible entrepreneurs they can be. Since they need a lot of help during the journey, Nordic Startup School started engaging other great entrepreneurs and investors to build up a acceleration program that will help and nourish startups to reach their potential.


Ever wanted to travel by buses and trains in the EU but not sure how? Voyley makes that process fast and simple. With our integrated web and app planner, you can plan, visualise and buy your trips across all EU countries on a single platform. About Us: We are an international team of avid travellers across Asia and Sweden that want to encourage sustainable travelling by making bookings easier.