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Shoplr er en ny prissøgemaskine, der fortsat er under udvikling. Med kan du let sammenligne priser på alt hvad du har brug for. Vi samler priser fra hundredvis af danske webshops, og finder de bedste tilbud. blev startet i begyndelsen af 2013, med én klar mission: at give danskerne den bedst mulige oplevelse, når lysten til takeawaymad melder sig. Vi elsker takeaway, og samtidigt at udfordre status quo. Derfor ville vi introducere en løsning som har fokus på udvalg, relevans og loyalitet. Det synes vi er lykkedes, men derfor er der altid plads til forbedringer. Det arbejder vi hele tiden på at levere. Med få klik (eller swipes med fingeren) bestilles maden, og restauranten svarer med det samme tilbage med en forventet leveringstid. Simpelt og lige til.

Genius Analytics

Genius Analytics er den nye spiller på markedet. Konverteringsoptimering er aldrig tilbudt før som vi gør det. Vores ambition er, at være Danmarks billigste, men samtidig have den ønskede positive effekt på kundens konverteringsoptimering. Vi har derfor valgt, at opnår vi ikke det mål vi sætter inden start, jamen så skal du som kunde slet ikke betale. Ej heller selvom din konvertering er øget til punktet under målsat. Vores team er dit team.


PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH COMPLETE OVERVIEW AND FULL VISIBILITYworkpilot: What if you can manage all your projects and time via an app consisting of 8 modules: job assignment, time registration, project management, GPS/map, inventory, documents, templates & e-mail/notes.Simplicity is the key word. We simplify a complex work flow to a few clicks and automates the data flow. That means that e.g. adjustment of inventory, salaries & invoicing is generated automatically & transferred to your ERP system.


Imprair makes it easier for you to outsource your administrative work that disables your smooth work flow. Instead of hiring a Personal Assistant, Secretary or Virtual Assistant full time, you can with our solutions easily get connected with an expert of ours. It's a pleasure for us to assist in a variety of different tasks and be a part of your company! You do not bind you to any employee conditions but we still put you as our first priority when you booked us. We call it ''Service On-Demand''


CORTIME is a Danish software company founded in 2013 based on an idea originating from a Ph.D. project at Aalborg University. Our company aims at simplifying & reducing the time and complexity of the CAD/CAE process. We believe that working with CAD software is still too time consuming & often leaves the users in despair. Our main goal is to become a leading provider of 3D CAD optimization control software for engineers within 7-8 years.

Power Soup ApS

We are developing the food of the future. We want to make food based on microalgae. We are now launching Onemeal and we need help to tell our story and to grow. Because of the earth's population growth we have thought of a new way to feed and nourish people. Onemeal is a tasteful instant in-between meal containing microalgae developed by our Michelin chefs. Onemeal is rich in proteins and plant oils and it is an easy way to eat healthy! On the go or as a snack when staying late at work! We believe microalgae are good for you – but also for the world.  For every Onemeal you buy we donate a meal to a person in need. We believe that your everyday purchase choices can have a big impact. When enjoying Onemeal you know another person in need is getting a fulfilling meal.

We Make Journals

We love interior design and we make journals on a daily basis via Blog and social media platforms. On top we have 2 online magazines publiced every 2nd month. Feel free to contact us if you want to contribute our portfolio of blogs and magazines.


I Danmark bruges der hvert år millioner af kroner på pædagogisk udviklingsarbejde, efteruddannelse og opkvalificering – typisk i kommunalt regi. Hvor man på nogle velfærdsområder let kan måle klart på indsatser og resultater, kan der være svært at dokumentere pædagogiske resultater og måle progressioner for læring og trivsel. Det gør NordicPAS nu op med via en stor online skalerbar platform.

Origo Systems

We build and run infrastructure clouds. Enterprises, start-ups and public organizations run their servers in our public cloud Origo Cloud or on premise with our hardware box the Origo Engine.

Aware Care

Aware Care is a Healthcare/AAL start-up. AwareCare portal & app is based on a special context & usercentric architecture for elderly citizens, citizens with light dementia, acquired brain injury, Disabled and their relatives. Exploiting user context data model it will provide guidance & automation to a whole new level. An example is My Areas: A Route / guide / Track /Surveillance app /cloud portal solutions that creates contextual links between citizens in open space & care personnel/relatives.


bosoLog is a startup created by 3 entrepreneurs, Jesper Ravn Jacobsen (CEO), Jørn Hansen (CSO) and Michael Pedersen (CTO). Our innovative concept encompasses elements such as: fully automated business logics, accurate mapping; real-time monitoring of several parameters and personal alerting by exceptions; proactive maintenance; and support to tactical and operational decision-making. The usage of the bosoLog product is very generic and concerns many different sectors.

Applicate IT

Applicate IT is an innovation company. We provide customized model and software development. Our development projects are always based on the customers' own individual needs. Which has resulted in accumulated broad knowledge and specialist experience in cloud-based portal solutions and mobile apps - in IoT, In-app payment solutions, Healthcare technology, Context-based decision systems, Sensor Data positioning & Monitoring, Project Recording Solutions, Big Data, etc.

Zitcom A/S

Since 2000 Zitcom A/S have developed, managed and serviced professional Hosting and Cloud solutions for a wide range of companies and organizations in Denmark. Zitcom A/S operate under three different brands, Wannafind, Curanet and Zitcom, each of which serve different customer groups in the Danish hosting market. From our office in Skanderborg, our app. 40 employees serve more than 100,000 customers and 1,100 resellers.

Huuray A/S

At Huuray A/S we operate and sell digital gift cards. We offer a new, easy and convenient way of cashing in your giftcards, which is suitable for the person on the run. It is suitable, because everything from purchasing the gift card and sending it to the intended receiver, takes place digitally on your phone.