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Traede is a B2B sales system enabling brands, distributors and agents to connect and sell directly to their retailers through a simple order management system and a B2B webshop while keeping track of products, customers, orders and invoices. We move fast, work hard and put great pride into our work.


We’re changing the way the church works. At ChurchDesk we believe the church needs great tools that can help them improve their work and meet people where they are. It’s church management software made beautifully simple. ChurchDesk is a SaaS company established in 2010 working +2,000 churches across Europe. We’re a diverse group of 30 people with 11 different nationalities. We have offices in Copenhagen, London and Berlin.


Dixa is a global customer service tech company on a mission to create friendships between brands and their customers, break down technology silos and eliminate bad customer service.Dixa is a truly international company with 14+ nationalities working together in the heart of Copenhagen and with offices in London, Berlin and Kiev. With customers in 20+ countries, Dixa has experienced incredible growth since it’s launch in 2018, quickly becoming one of Scandinavia’s fastest growing SaaS companies.

Redeem Tech

Redeem Tech is your digital partner who possesses the experience and expertise to help entrepreneurs reach their customers across the digital space. Our core objective is to help business owners in establishing their online presence without the overbearing challenges posed by technology. We believe in minimizing the effort from the client and maximizing the value of services delivered. We have a highly qualified and reputed professional team that is highly experienced. Redeem Tech is the Denmark based Company. We have further enhanced our services and products by forming strategic partnerships with some of the most experienced and well-known IT companies in the world. These partnerships allow us to give our clients the type of personal support and hands-on customer service you expect while bringing the hardware and software selections, networking and security solutions, and special pricing that you need to succeed. Redeem Tech offer a wide range of IT solutions, including Digital Marketing, Online advertising, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Email Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Website Design and Development, Android Apps Development, Graphics, and Logo Design


Built to simplify employee onboarding and offboarding flows, Typelane is changing the way we welcome and say goodbye to our employees. With focus on smart workflows, intuitive design and personalisation Typelane transforms what once was manuell and complex process into an easy and engaging one. Founded in late 2016 and with HQ in Stockholm we are now working with customers all across the globe. Visit our webpage to find out more about us!

Sci-Code AS

We're building a new education system, pillared on the advances in technology that will enable exploratory learning, personalized learning experiences tailored to each individual, and the most stimulating education in the world; verified by our algorithms. As a company, we're actively developing services, tools and technologies that contributes towards closing the gap between industry and education. The motivation and value upon which the Company has been built is usefulness. The key to any country’s societal development is based on Education. It is how a generation of people pass its knowledge, know-how and values to the next one.

Lovi's TEST

This is a test startup created by Loviisa. This is a test startup created by Loviisa. This is a test startup created by Loviisa. This is a test startup created by Loviisa. This is a test startup created by Loviisa. This is a test startup created by Loviisa. This is a test startup created by Loviisa.


Det ska gå snabbt att handla på internet.Ungefär samma dagen-snabbt, tycker vi. Hos många av våra e-handlare kan du både handla och hämta ut din order i våra förvaringsskåp samma dag.Vi startade 2015 och idag finns vi i Stockholm, Göteborg, Uppsala och Borås. Mot slutet av 2018 räknar vi med att pryda vårt land med 200 skåp. Vi bryr oss lika mycket om dina paket som du gör. Vi tycker inte det behöver vara mycket svårare än så.


Founded in 2017, Habity is a Stockholm-based technology company passionate about simplifying your housing. From the overall market to the services and everything in between.


We at Edventures want to find you who is as interested as us in battling global challenges within entrepreneurship education and the local as well as global consequences it brings. We believe that entrepreneurship is a means of empowerment in a more mobile and fast-moving global economy. We are developing the world’s first AI guide and educational tool for budding entrepreneurs and are always looking to add brave and tech savvy souls to join our journey.

Ekko app

Med Ekko app bliver kommunikationen med dine medarbejdere enkel og effektiv. Siden 2016 har vi leveret medarbejder apps til en lang række virksomheder inden for brancherne hotel, rengøring, bygge og anlæg, detail, kontor og logistik. Ekko app er bygget på Henrik Jensens mange års arbejde med at udvikle avancerede kommunikationsløsninger, der er lette at anvende for alle. I dag videreudvikles Ekko app i tæt dialog med vores kunder for at sikre, at Ekko app bliver ved med at være den mest foretrukne kommunikationskanal til at uddanne, motivere og øge samhørigheden blandt medarbejdere, lige meget hvor de arbejder og befinder sig. I Ekko app vægter vi arbejdsglæde højt, fordi glade medarbejdere yder den bedste service. Vi er 100% dedikerede til at gøre hverdagen bedre og har altid fokus på at fejre både små og store successer.


Payr is the next generation payment platform empowering consumers to pay invoices in flexible and smart ways. Our customers can pay any invoice using their bank account, debit or credit card, or digital wallets, saving them time and money. Payr also improves invoice payments by providing truly independent price and quality comparison, enabling simple and fast switching to providers that offer greater value to our customers.Our first product launched Q3 2017 and can be found in App Store We have an experienced team of 11 people, with backgrounds from others startups and from leading Tech, UX, and advertising consultancy companies such as Making Waves and Dinamo, as well as a strong board of directors with backgrounds from Fintech, legal and IT at Nordea, Mastercard, Selmer Law, mCash and Itera.Even if we have an experienced team, we want everyone to be able to learn new things, so you get a lot of responsibility but also a lot of opportunities for improving and learning at Payr. We have international ambition, expanding to the Nordics next year. So you could say we have a pretty aggressive growth strategy as well. This makes most days hectic, but fun.We have 5 exits from other startups in our management team, so many of us have experience with doing this from before. Therefore, we try not to spend energy on stuff we know is going to be a waste of time. You could say we aim to have a professional way of running things, with systems to help everything run smoothly. Although we have high expectations for each other and our product, we also have a quite friendly environment, including a snoring office dog.

Helder Test Startup

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Make Influence

Vi har skabt den ultimative platform, hvor alt er kommissionsbaseret. Velkommen til Make Influence. Vi er en gruppe passionerede iværksættere og hardcore udviklere, som har udviklet en kommissionsbaseret influencer platform med fokus på at skabe en verden, hvor virksomheder og influencere får størst gavn af hinanden. Tilbage i 2017 opstod ideen om at skabe en platform. hvor indtjeningsmulighederne skulle maksimeres for begge parter. Vi har siddet på begge sider af bordet, hvilket har givet os indblik i virksomheden og den enkelte influencers verden. Det har bestemt ikke været nemt, men vi har set og identificeret behovet og har udviklet platformen derefter. Efter mange demoversioner, utallige test og masser af sene pizzaaftener havde vi fundamentet for I august 2018 begyndte teamets dedikerede udviklere at bygge den første kommissionsbaserede influencer portal i Danmark. Målet var at introducere en portal, som havde salg, større indtjeningsmuligheder og fede samarbejdsmuligheder samt datadrevet marketing for øje. Data skaber gennemsigtighed, hvilket kan retfærdiggøre vores priser. Virksomhederne kan via deres eget dashboard se, hvor meget værdi vores influencere skaber for dem. Vi har bygget en platform ud fra alt det, som mange har savnet og efterspurgt, så man hurtigt kan se, om influencer marketing skaber værdi for virksomheden. Historien falder sammen med vores mission: Vi skaber platformen – du skaber samarbejdet og indtægtsmulighederne.

GamerzClass ApS

GamerzClass is an immersive online experience, that allows anyone to take online gaming classes with some of the world's best e-sport players.
 All our classes are curated together, with some of the most superlative e-sport stars in the world, and are filmed in a top professional environment. We are GamerzClass.