Squire is currently developing a marketplace that facilitates the connection between freelancers and customers. For the freelancers, we provide them with a platform where they can work effortlessly choosing their own rates and schedule. No more stressful job search! They can become a Squire freelancer and start earning with a mere few clicks. For the customers, Squire provides a consolidated marketplace with a variety of services to choose from. They no longer have to worry about service quality due to our rating algorithm and never again do they have to worry about traditionally unresponsive service providers as we ensure a reply or an equally qualified alternative.
Some of the founders have worked as freelancers on competing job platforms, and know the needs and shortfalls different freelancers experience when working. We have taken this feedback and added features that counter the negative experiences and allow for a satisfactory experience when working on Squire. In the case of the customers on the platform, our platform provides an easy step by step process, allowing customers to find freelancers much faster than using traditional methods.
We have experienced that many people around us have lost their jobs. We want to build a solution to this, providing people who have lost their income a means to earn a living. Efficient access to services is something we believe the danish economy lacks, by creating new demand and supply for service jobs, we hope to stimulate the economy by creating a platform that encourages spending and income generation during a time of suppressed economic growth.