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Showing: 3489 filtered startups

Innovation Roundtable

Innovation Roundtable® facilitates connections between innovation managers, in a setting where they can learn about best practices from executive speakers, discuss selected innovation topics, and share experiences with peers. Our network and events are exclusively for multinational firms and provide a unique source of inspiration and new ideas for managers, helping them create an even stronger foundation for innovation in their companies.


Billetto is the North European market leader in online, mobile and social media ticketing solutions, providing over 50,000 events with a plug-and-play ticket shop that enables event organisers to sell tickets, promote events online and connect more meaningfully with audiences.Billetto is taking on the dinosaur ticketing industry by bringing artists and audiences closer together. Life revolves around moments and Billetto seeks to inspire everybody to do more of what makes them happy.


The DROPBOY platform is fully live and allows companies to create their own digital infrastructure for last mile deliveries. We are a Danish software company delivering the online software to enhance effectiveness, profitability and improved customer service for companies with first and last mile transport needs. We started In 2014 and today we allows companies to create their own digital infrastructure for last mile deliveries.DROPBOY is developed by people with great experience from the transport industry. Today's processes within transport can be handled smarter and more cost-efficient - for the benefit of the industry and the environment.


Hedia is a smart diabetes assistant driven by a personal need. Living with type 1 diabetes demands constant control and a great effort to achieve well-regulated blood glucose at the expense of freedom and quality of life. As a person with diabetes you never get to live without the distress of dealing with diabetes.  We aim to solve this by offering a personalised smart diabetes application that helps with the everyday struggles of diabetes, like carb calculation, insulin dosage recommendations and tracking diabetes data.


Vivino is the world's largest online wine marketplace and most downloaded wine app, powered by a community of millions. Vivino’s unique wine shopping experience uses community data to suggest personalized wine recommendations, making wine discovery and purchase fun, accessible, and effortless for wine drinkers of every level. The Vivino app is available for download on Android and Apple devices.

Go! Running Tours

We hook runners up with local guides and running experiences. Go! Running Tours provides running tours in 60+ cities enabling travelers to run and discover new cities.  Our products lie at the intersection of passion for running, traveling and local authentic experiences - the sweet spot for any runner.In 2018 we opened 20 new destinations, and in 2019 we will continue to expand to new geographical locations along with expanding upon our current product offerings. Join us - its fun and its fast! was founded by two friends from Copenhagen - Jeppe & Esben. Our ambition is to make the insurance sector more transparent.  We do so by developing advanced software technology that simplifies digital distribution and sales of insurances. We are ambitious, curious and skilled.We are looking for skilled software engineers to join us.

Hey Planet

Hey Planet (previously Wholi) is a Copenhagen-based green startup developing sustainable foods using insects. The production of insects emits 100 times less CO2 than cattle, and insect production is even more sustainable in terms of water usage and land area than soy beans and chickpeas.  Our mission is to promote edible insects as they are rich in nutrients, taste delicious and are a sustainable food source. We do this by offering healthy and tasty snacks that are appealing to the eye and mouth. Learn more here:

Backpackerlife ApS

Backpackerlife er en webshop og et rejseunivers, som er stiftet for at hjælpe folk med at komme ud og opleve verden. Dette gør vi ved at overskueliggøre købs- og planlægningsprocessen med alt relevant rejseudstyr samt information samlet på ét sted. Vores shop er startet i Danmark, og er nu vokset til Sverige - hvor vores mål er at blive Nordeuropas førende rejse, backpacking og trekking online destination og shop. Vi er selv backpackere, og sælger alt i rejseudstyr fx. rygsække, soveposer eller vores populære pakketilbud. Udover den personlige kundeservice og hurtige levering, så rejser hele holdet bag Backpackerlife ofte, og vi deler gerne ud af vores egne rejse-tips. Vi arbejder med e-commerce, ny teknologi, online markedsføring herunder PPC og SEO, content marketing og alt derimellem. Hos os tror vi på en flad organisationsstruktur og at det at have det godt sammen som hold er det vigtigste. Hvis man arbejder med det man synes er sjovt - så er vi overbevist om, at man bliver dygtigst og kommer længst.


Servicepos is developing the Retail Management System of the future! We are a fast-moving and very dedicated team, helping hundreds of retails stores manage payments, inventory and customers on the european market. Based in Odense, Denmark and always looking for new talents wanting to join our exiting journey!


Introduction FlowRobe is the future digital and social wardrobe. The idea is to make it that fun, simple and sustainable to trade secondhand that everybody will do so and digitalize charity shops. In our app, users swipe secondhand and can upload leftovers in less than a minute. Our users are sustainable and fashionable people, young students, modern mothers, secondhand events, charity shops and thrift stores. Today’s Problem Poverty, inequality and climate changes are a massive problem for our future and next generations, why we have decided to achieve 17 global goals before 2030. Fashion is the second most polluting industry in the world. Just a single t-shirt consume 1.500 litres of water, burn 3 kilos of CO2 and spray with around half a kilo of chemicals. Avocados and meat do not make it to the roots of that consumption. But although the consumers carry guilt, the politicians and businesses carry the responsibility. 7 of 10 Danes do not trade secondhand online because they find it hard and time-consuming. And charity shops have tried to go online for over a decade without success. We scream for sustainable and innovative solutions for clothes trading. In other words, we scream for flow in our wardrobes. Our Mission, Vision & Slogan We have a burning desire to make the fashion industry more sustainable by connecting people and clothes. The vision is to revolutionize the clothing industry by making secondhand the preferred shopping method. That is why we give preloved robes new lives!👟🔥♻️

Fellow Pay

A FORCE FOR GOOD We believe the way small businesses borrow money is broken. We’re focused on solving their problems instead of selling them financial products they don’t need. Fixing a broken industry requires talent. If you’re ready to help us do that, let’s talk. We want creative disruptors and innovators to join our team of developers, designers, marketers and business minds. Our head office is in Copenhagen, but Fellow Pay is a remote-first company so you can live anywhere you want. The whole team has an entrepreneurial mindset and ambition to create something big and disruptive. The team is carefully assembled to bring in all the needed expertise and drive to make this a success - though to make it grow faster we know we'll need more people on the team.

Livingroom Analytics

Livingroom Analytics aims at accelerating people performance drawing on research and in-depth data. In conversation with some of Denmark’s biggest companies, we have developed a cloud-based software platform that combines HR-data with intelligent employee surveys. Simple and employee-friendly, Livingroom covers more than 1700 engagement drivers – enabling business units to work smarter, healthier and outperform others. We are receiving increased publicity and was just shortlisted as the Top 10 Employee Engagement Solution Providers in Europe 2019 by the HR Tech Outlook Magazine.

Amsiq A/S

Vi gør digitale koncepter til virkelighed.Specialister i at bygge og drive brandsVi er en flok tech-nørder med stor erfaring i udviklingen af successfulde digitale produkter. Ambitionerne er store og vi arbejder aktivt på vores næste store koncept - en social datingapp - som snart lanceres på det danske marked. Læs mere på: PASSIONEREDE TECH-NØRDERVi er et ambitiøst og ungt softwarehus med alle kompetencerne til at udvikle, bygge og brande digitale koncepter.Med vores iværksætter-state-of-mind løfter vi i fællesskab, og arbejder hen imod at blive trendsættere i den digitale verden, med vores værdiskabende produkter.Udvikling og innovation driver os til at flytte grænser for det teknisk mulige, og for at skabe de bedste løsninger for vores brugere. Derfor arbejder vi ikke med deadlines, men har fuld fokus på kvalitet!Vores arbejdsfilosofi er en afbalanceret blanding af teknisk-nørderi, passion for mennesker, masser af samarbejde og highfives 🙏


Tiimo is an assistive technology app for smartwatches and smartphones, specifically designed to help children with ADHD, Autism and brain damage. Tiimo combines structure, time management, visualization, and reminders in one smart digital solution. With Tiimo you get an app and a reliable friend that's smart, discreet, and accessible everywhere, always on your favorite device. It  promotes independence and improves quality of life while reducing stress and conflict.