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Amino is a web portal where entrepreneurs meet. It consists of different pages where it is possible to debate, blog and exchange knowledge. 20.000 entrepeneurs is visiting every day. Amino makes it easier to buy or sell commercial leases, to get in contact with investors or find a good accountant.

mr poo

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I AmiNIC udvikler vi en håndholdt sensor der kan måle friskhed og holdbarhed af kød og fisk. Apparatet er tiltænkt fødevareindustrien og vi er pt. 7 ansatte, hovedsageligt i udvikling. Sensoren er baseret på high-tech teknologi som udvikles og valideres sammen med vidensinstitutioner og vi er nu på tærsklen til markedsintroduktion.

Our Only Home

Our Only Home er en organisation, hvis mission er "at bringe positive ændringer på vores planet inden for klima, lighed, biodiversitet og bæredygtighed". Our Only Home bidrager til løsningen gennem uddannelse og inspiration af enkeltpersoner. Det er allerede for sent for meget, der var godt på vores planet. Alligevel fortsætter vi som en race der i grådighedens navn undertrykker, torturerer og dræber. Vi forårsager hver dag uoprettelig skade på livets mirakel.


ProSave is a procurement platform (SaaS) currently operating in Denmark. We help craftsmen save money and time when buying building materials. Likewise we help wholesalers with expanding their sales reach. We currently have active customers all over Denmark, and our product is available on App Store, Google Play, and as a web app.


Degeza is developing a drone solution, which military customers can use to keep their mission critical systems online and operational in the face of a satellite breakdown. Previously, the satellite domain has been regarded as relatively safe, stable and reliant. With the introduction of anti-satellite weapons and an increasing number of space debrie, this reality is shifting. In response to this we are developing software for High Altitude Drones with the aim to match the functionality and dataflows of selected satellites. If one of the satellites experience a temporary or permanent breakdown, the drone can replace the satellite and keep the mission critical systems online. Today we are extremely reliant on the smooth and continuing operation of satellites. Degeza is working hard to keep our critical societal systems safe in the years to come. is developing a centralized procurement and logistics system, specifically targeting national and international not for profits. The founder is currently working on creating a MVP for organisations to participate in the further development of the system. Target organisations are small to medium sized.


At Coastgrass we have developed a sustainable replacement to crude oil-based packaging products. Our target market is cosmetic products where almost all of the packaging is based on traditional plastic and cannot be recycled. Our material consists only of bio-based and biodegradable materials which ensures sustainable yet beautiful packaging products. We help cosmetic brands meet their goals for sustainable products and ensure transparent and traceable packaging products. We believe in using renewable natural resources to create climate-friendly solutions, so that we ensure a sustainable future.


Digitization of HR in one solution! - HR Management, Onboarding & Recruitment Emply manages your administrative HR processes effectively by automating tasks, suggesting actions, and creating an overview of the information that can enable your leaders to make the right strategic decisions. We understand that our customers often want a simple HR solution that is implemented quickly, is easy to use and adapts to different types of workflows.

Webshop with clothes, shoes, toys and interior products for childrens bedroms. We have a large selection of delicious brands such as Molo, Angulus, Pippi, CeLaVi, Mikk-Line, The New, Filibabba, Bundgaard, Bibs, Bisgaard, Oball, PlanToys and many more. Find products for both baby and kids here between the age of 0-12 years of age.


Meebook er Danmarks største læringsplatform og bruges af halvdelen af landets skoler. Vi hjælper lærere med at planlægge deres undervisning, arbejde sammen og videndele. Vores mission er ikke at kæmpe for digitaliseringen generelt. Vi har alle børn, og vi ønsker, at de skal gå i en skole, hvor man taler, synger, tegner og ved, hvordan en lineal føles i hånden. Vores største frygt er at komme ud på en skole om fem år og se alle eleverne sidde og kigge ind i Meebook. Vores vision er at favne de muligheder, it skaber, og med det udvikle et didaktisk værktøj, et samarbejdsværktøj og et værktøj til videndeling, som giver mening for den enkelte lærer og hele tiden forholder sig til den virkelighed, læreren arbejder i. Vores platform skal være et sted, hvor lærere, skoler og kommuner kan bedrive den læring, den undervisning og det samarbejde, som de synes passer bedst. producer og sælger industrielle møbler, lavet i vandrør og svensk fyrretræ. Vores primærmarked er danmark, men vi har ligeledes webshops i Sverige, Tyskland, England og Holland. Firmaet blev stiftet i 2015, af tre brødre - Simon, Jonas og Daniel. Sidenheden er virksomheden vokset, så den i dag tæller 8 medarbejdere, som arbejder på kontor og lager i Fredericia. Du finder hele vores sortiment på - hvor du også kan finde mere information som virksomhedens historie og værdier.

MamaMilla blev startet af Kamilla efter at have været på barsel og indset at der manglede nogle gode kavlitetspridukter til gravide og babyer. Vi går 100% efter at gøre vores kunder tilfredse og anser dem for vores vigtigste prioritet. Om det er babynest, vikler, sutter eller bare en god snak om det at være gravid, så står vi klar!

Zenegy ApS

Zenegy is a complete payroll system built on innovative solutions and helps automates the company's workflows. Zenegy works tirelessly to break ground for an entirely new generation of payroll systems. A payroll system where the classic pay-setup is a thing of the past allowing an open platform, innovation, and user-friendliness to take over. Zenegy offers a payroll experience that allows you to focus on what's important for your company while leaving the administration up to us and putting the information needed at your very fingertips. We're crazy about technology and the opportunities it brings. Zenegy is an interactive cloud-based payroll system, connecting companies, accountants, and employees to the very same site. Not to mention the fantastic possibility of working across all your favorite programs. Zenegy welcomes all sizes and types of companies. We've taken our payroll system to a whole other level and we are proud to be achieving our full potential. Spending pay and receiving it should be equally enjoyable. This is why we're absolutely committed to setting new standards for payroll systems Zenegy offers two different subscriptions: Zenegy Payroll and Zenegy HR. You can use them individually or use them in a combination. With Zenegy Payroll system, you can easily expand to HR where you'll get access to several HR-solutions. You can administrate courses, keep track of your company's items and access, save documents on employees' profiles, and thereby keep track of their employment, among others.