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Squire is currently developing a marketplace that facilitates the connection between freelancers and customers. For the freelancers, we provide them with a platform where they can work effortlessly choosing their own rates and schedule. No more stressful job search! They can become a Squire freelancer and start earning with a mere few clicks. For the customers, Squire provides a consolidated marketplace with a variety of services to choose from. They no longer have to worry about service quality due to our rating algorithm and never again do they have to worry about traditionally unresponsive service providers as we ensure a reply or an equally qualified alternative. Some of the founders have worked as freelancers on competing job platforms, and know the needs and shortfalls different freelancers experience when working. We have taken this feedback and added features that counter the negative experiences and allow for a satisfactory experience when working on Squire. In the case of the customers on the platform, our platform provides an easy step by step process, allowing customers to find freelancers much faster than using traditional methods. We have experienced that many people around us have lost their jobs. We want to build a solution to this, providing people who have lost their income a means to earn a living. Efficient access to services is something we believe the danish economy lacks, by creating new demand and supply for service jobs, we hope to stimulate the economy by creating a platform that encourages spending and income generation during a time of suppressed economic growth.


Oamo is a company concept for a blue ocean company - a marketplace based on an old and enormous industry, that has yet stayed unchanged for thousands of years. Please, see the CTO co-founder job opening for further information into the conceptualization of the company as well as further information about the position itself.

Min Drømmebolig ApS

Min Drømmebolig er et nyt og spændende startup med fire iværksættere og nøje udvalgte samarbejdspartnere, som alle har en brændende vision om at ændre boligmarkedet, som vi kender det i dag. Projektet går i korte træk ud på at vi vil skabe en ny og anderledes platform hvor kommende købere og hussælgere kan mødes. På nuværende tidspunkt har hver ejendomsmæglerkæde hver deres køberkartotek, men hvad hvis Danmarks største køberkartotek fandtes uafhængigt af en ejendomsmægler og latente sælgere, som overvejede at sælge kunne teste om de selv kunne finde en køber til deres ejendom uden at bliver opkrævet skyhøje ejendomsmægler vederlag. Køberne ved ofte hvor de gerne vil bo og vi vil åbne boligmarkedet i en grad som aldrig er set magen til før. Endda give køberne mulighed for at give et indikativt tilbud på ejendomme som ikke er til salg. Vi laver et boligmatch. Skaber tryghed. Sørger for køber finder deres drømmebolig og hjælper sælger godt videre uden liggetid og store omkostninger. De sidste mange år er der ikke sket noget revolutionært med hvordan en hushandel foregår. Andet end boligannoncen ved mægler er gået fra avisen til nettet. Vi glæder til at fortælle mere.


We're a hardware deeptech startup consisting of 5 individuals, with a burning desire to improve the environment. We have designed a filtration system, with the purpose of collecting particles such as microplastics and aquatic biomass from seawater, used in production and maritime industries. With our partners, we aim to find solutions for the use of the collected particles.


We solve the compliance challenges found in mid-size companies. Be it the integrity of employee behaviour, minimizing the corruption risk or navigating the requirements of GDPR. With our intelligent and content-filled digital platform, companies get a virtual compliance manager that guides, directs and operate a fit-to-purpose compliance effort. Through online risk assessment, policy development and employee training, companies find themselves unburdened , with less risk and more compliant.


We are changing the way the world does research, by building the notebook (with wings) for humans.Successful R&D is about connected data: the meta-data, the relationships between the projects, and the relationships between all of the data artifacts are the hidden treasure of R&D.Amie lets researchers from any field organize, connect, visualize, and share all of their research - data, metadata, analysis, and notes - on one platform.


Hos Archon tror vi på, at frihed er nøglen til effektivisering.Vi ved, at klodsede kurser er fortiden. Online er fremtiden. Vi hjælper erhvervslivet med at have relevant viden lige ved hånden, så fantastisk formidlet læring bliver en del af din hverdag.   Vi er en del af Aspiri-koncernen, og vi har stiftet Archon som et svar på erhvervslivets behov for online undervisning. Vi er særligt specialiseret i jura, erhvervsøkonomi og ledelse. Se vores specialer på vores hjemmeside: Hos Archon arbejder vi ud fra en vision om at gøre kompliceret og brugbar viden let tilgængelig. Vi arbejder med et kreativt mindset, både når det gælder vores grafiske udarbejdelse af online kurser, og når det gælder forretningsudvikling. To dage er sjældent ens, da vi vækster voldsomt med en masse nye kurser til store kunder med forskellige behov.


Bygren er en nybygget app/website.   Appen giver mulighed for at en bygherrer eller en håndværker kan ligge information i form af tekst, billeder, videoer og arkitekttegninger ind på siden af bygninger som er under opførelse eller under større renovering.   Brugerne kan tilgå appen gratis, således at hvis man er interesseret i at skulle i gang med et byggeri, så kan man se byggeriet og få inspiration til sit eget.   Bygren kommer til at sælge leads og reklamer.


We help air passengers. AirHelp wants to create a better experience for air passengers and airlines when flights are delayed by promoting and enforcing air passenger rights all over the world. We are not a law firm, but a tech firm with lawyers. Through unique flight data, awesome customer support and one of the widest legal networks in the world, we bring the passenger justice on a silver plate.


FlightLogger laver software til flyveskoler i hele verden og i 2016 gennemgik vi en fantastisk vækst fra 23 til 41 kunder i 17 forskellige lande verden over. FlightLogger hjælper nu firmaer i 21 forskellige lande og kører med positiv drift, hvilket tilsammen giver et stærkt grundlag for fortsat acceleration af væksten.


Somera er et content marketing-bureau med fokus på at skabe ekstraordinære resultater for vores kunder. Selvfølgelig. Vi arbejder med digital kommunikation. Primært i form af tekstforfatning, oversættelser, transskriberinger mm. Vores kunder tæller store virksomheder som TDC, Danske Bank, Experian, Australian Bodycare mm.

Operation Soldatens Tand

Operation Soldatens Tand leverer fordelagtige tandlægeydelser til danske, tjeneste gørende soldater. Soldaterne opnår rabatter på tandlægeydelser ved at tilmelde sig Operation Soldatens Tand. Vi samarbejder med 13 tandlægeklinikker rundt om i Danmark, som står klar til at servicere vores soldater.

Roots Food

We make highly nutritious foods and beverages that invite people to enjoy life with a clear conscience. Our mission is to upscale nutrition to the masses, by making healthy choices a fun and easy experience. As a for profit social enterprise we re-think the way food is made and consumed, by creating value across the entire chain. We use the leaves from a tree, the new powerfull Moringa leaf powder as a vehicle for change and for our current product development activities.


Artboost is an eco-system of art aiming to democratize art and make it accessible, affordable and understandable for everyone.- Artboost has +1200 artists from over 60 countries exhibiting over 5,500 unique pieces of art.- The company is fully funded by its activity.- The company has been around for three years with continuous growth.The eco-system contains and so far.


Inspired by art, and more specifically improvised comedy theatre training and techniques, we aim to motivate and stimulate the often suppressed natural skillsets with which human beings are born with: - Creativity and curiosity - Support and respect for oneself and others - Awareness, perception, and focus - Courage and confidence - Trust and openness - Critical thinking and collaboration & Emotional and clear expression. We want to inspire people to develop, and help people reconnect with themselves and others through a fun, open and motivating atmosphere in classes. We foster an environment in which people at any level can move and evolve, both physically and emotionally.