Student position, testing lifespan-altering compounds, biomedical/electrical/mechanical engineering

Salary Competitive, is a biotechnology company that develops fully automated phenotyping and identification systems for model organisms. We utilize custom made designs that combine deep learning with computer vision to gather millions of data points every hour, every day for the entire lifespan of an organism. The platform addresses the critical need for methodologies able to reduce cost and effectively evaluate the efficacy of aging intervention

Seeking masters students interested in developing hardware for novel data acquisition and automation in fruit flies and mice, in order to add into our intervention testing pipeline in these model organisms. This pipeline is a part of an emerging company from the lab: The lab itself studies a variety of model types from cells, mice, fruit flies and computational platforms. 


Please apply via The Hub. In case you have questions, please contact Morten Scheibye-Knudsen ( and Michael Petr ( if interested.


Primary tasks:

Develop stationary, robotic and electrical components centered around high-throughput Drosophila melanogaster and murine analysis.


Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Working at, is a biotechnology company that develops fully automated phenotyping and identification systems for model organisms. We utilize custom made designs that combine deep learning with computer vision to gather millions of data points every hour, every day for the entire lifespan of an organism. The platform addresses the critical need for methodologies able to reduce cost and effectively evaluate the efficacy of aging interventions. Come join the journey!

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