Young Sustainable Impact (YSI) was started in 2016 by a group of youth in Norway who saw the cop21, Paris conference and looked ahead. We believe innovation and entrepreneurship can solve most of our challenges in the world, that youth are the driving force, and in collaboration with the experienced and established – it can be done. We get around 10.000 applications every year, we have programs in South East Asia, Bangladesh, China, and a community set up in 60+ countries named Earthpreneurs.
As a sales and partner intern, you will work with our external relations officer, and CEO to establish, maintain and sell YSI`s different services. This job can be going to events, meetings with big companies, research before meetings, and locating new possibilities.
Applying for grants and money can also be a part of your job, but this is in only during some parts of the year.
Timeline for internship: October 20 - March 2019 (With the possibility of extension)
What do you get in an unpaid internship in YSI?
This job comes with several perks and benefits