Frontend Utvikler

Salary Competitive

Frontend utvikler som vil bli en del av vårt Service Portal team, som er ansvarlig for utvikling av alle våre forretnigsstøtte verktøy som er nøkkelen i forretningsmodellen vår. Dette består av utvikling av Smarthus Veilederen som lar hvemsomhelst bestille ferdig installert smarthus til avtalt pris, sertifiseringsverktøy og partnerportalen som gir partnere innsikt i sin smarte hjem forretning.

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Working at

Futurehome develops smart home solutions and connects the “Do-It-For-Me” smart home customers with professional partners, using online tools to reduce the price by up to 80% compared to similar solutions. Offering an online builder wizard for customers and tools and automation services for installers and partners, we have a solid platform to bring the smart home to the mass market. Futurehome is a Norwegian tech-startup, founded in Stavanger, 2013. Since then, the smart home company has grown considerably and now employs 17 people, built a state-of-the-art product, and teamed up with powerful investors. Today, with partners such as Nordan, Gilje, ID-Lock and Zaptec, Futurehome proudly supplies one of the most user friendly smart home systems on the market.

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