Bootstrapped is focused on eliminating the number one killer of early stage startups: Tight personal finances and empty founder pockets. We do this by matching bootstrapped founders with freelance, part-time and project jobs. It’s very simple and everybody wins. Right now we are looking for experienced developers with Sitecore experience for on-site freelance projects.
Here is what we expect:
1) You have lots of experience with Sitecore development
2) You can work on-site in the Copenhagen area 10-30 hours a week
3) You are obviously a part of a bootstrapped startup or are about to take the plunge
Here is what you can expect:
1) Paid work. You decide what you want to charge per hour
2) We'll only charge you a 15% fee when we make a match
3) We'll reinvest our net profits into startups like your's
All questions are welcome. Please contact: Marc Emil at +45 3119 3119 or