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Showing: 3489 filtered startups er en del af en større formidlings virksomhed, vi formidler byggeopgaver og renoverings opgaver fra byggeglade danskere der indsender deres opgave via vores portal. Vi hjælper private, erhvervsdrivende & foreninger med at få 3 gratis & uforpligtende tilbud på deres bygge/renoverings opgave. Beliggenhed 300 meter fra Vanløse station & metro

Simple Feast

We started Simple Feast with the mission of helping people eat more healthy. Our mission has expanded over time, and we now give full focus to saving the world. Nothing less. We do that with sustainable food delivered to your door supported by intelligent initiatives that will make it easier for people to make choices that are good for both the planet and themselves. This includes our research-based, intelligent nutrition coach, that can tell you what food matches particular needs.

Fauna Smart Technologies

4th Agricultural Revolution is happening right NOW. NOW is the time when all of us must be SMART and direct this revolution towards creating a better, healthier Planet. How do we want our world to look alike? Environmentally friendly & infinitely sustainable? How to do it? These fundamental questions drove the creation of Fauna Smart Technologies. WHY US? To create the world the way it ought to be, with the greenest possible agro-ecosystems, healthy for us as consumers and healthy for our Planet. Fauna Smart Technologies covers: 1) PRECISION AGRICULTURE Converging into REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE 2) DATA MANAGEMENT WHAT WE DO? We monitor agro-ecosystems using science and technology. Using technology in a smart way, we help beneficial fauna thrive by keeping pathogenic fauna below economic threshold level. Complex species interactions and restoration of natural processes is a job for multidisciplinary scientists thinking beyond and above. This is who we are at Fauna Smart Technologies. We strategically create and select tools in line with nature and with purpose to heal the broken parts of the ecosystems: to re-build biodiversity and enable intelligent plant communication. We use smart-tech approach to keep plant pathogens below economic threshold level - when they don't cause yield damages. In this way, we create green and infinitely sustainable agro-ecosystems, healthy for us as consumers and healthy for our Planet. Our Smart approach is rooted in regenerative agriculture principles - it is how the nature works. WHO WE RE? Fauna's team are super smart and accomplished female scientists (PhDs) with the domain expertise in crop protection science, food safety and food security. Our Founder and CEO has 20 years of education and research experience bridging the gap between fundamental and applied science and now towards business. IF YOU ARE ALSO THE ONE WITH A REBELLIOUS HEART... WITH A DEEP SENSE OF CAUSE... WE WOULD BE HAPPY TO MEET YOU !! JOIN US! LET'S MOVE THE WORLD FORWARD! TOGETHER.

GoodMonday APS

At Good Monday we know that a well managed office is the best foundation for a well running company. Our service platform provides the office with access to wide range of services, a 360 overview of expenditures and service agreements, and last, but not least, a personal office concierge who is always ready to assist! We manage the office so you can manage your business.


Our focus is to help restaurants and take-aways  make more money, by  offering them their OWN online system including:- iOS app and Android app- Web ordering platform- Printer terminalThrough these platforms, we enable restaurant to communicate directly with their regular customers. Our focus is on recurring business and scalling through retention. We are currently in DK and UK, but will be expanding to many more markets in the very near future.Join our team!

Myinnerme - a healthcare app for young, troubled minds

Myinnerme offers an app that provides treatment to children with emotional problems through the use of technology and motivating treatment therapy. An app where you and your child have access to professional, evidence-based counseling 24 hours a day. Where you can work with the problems at your own pace. Myinnerme was founded in 2018 by Marie, Louise and Kasper, who are experts in child psychology, tech and business development and online marketing. In addition, there is a CPO, Senior Software Engineer, Psychologist Assistant, Illustrator & graphic designer. It is in the combination of our mixed skills that magic happens. We want to make a huge difference for children and young people and the growth ambitions are huge. In addition, we also love fun and champagne. Currently and due to COVID we have all moved to our home office. In the future, we will again join a co-working space in Copenhagen for creators, challengers, thinkers, artists and pioneers who want to shape the future.

GoLittle // Mambeno

GoLittle makes life easier for parents. We build apps which solves everyday problems for thousands of families. Mambeno is Denmark's no. 1 shopping and cooking app for families - with integrated same-day-delivery from REMA 1000. Mambeno combines the best from meal kits, online supermarkets and brick-and-mortar supermarkets. Our goal is to make shopping and cooking easy, healthy and affordable for middle class families, minimize food waste and reduce the weekly visits to the supermarket. And to make a cheaper and more flexible alternative to meal kits. Mambeno is also a noise free and relevant 360 degree promotion platform for FMCG brands - being a completely new alternative to coupons, flyers and catalogues. With our unique grocery integration families can plan the weekly meals in minutes and have all ingredients and all other household essentials delivered to their door step - the same day! We've also developed the GoLittle app that let families find the best places and events for children.

TechSavvy Media is a new editorial media organisation dedicated to startups and innovation. Through our own media platform we write news, features, and guides to navigate in the ecosystem to build a regional community and promote incentives for more collaboration between startups and corporates - and thus a more innovative future.

IPM - Intelligent Pollutant Monitoring

PM is a young startup company founded in 2014 as a spinoff from the Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology at DTU. IPM’s main interest is to develop environmental sensors using patentable technology.


Ordrestyring er Danmarks førende indenfor timesagsstyring til håndværkere. Vi arbejder hver dag benhårdt på, at tilbyde vores kunder det bedste, mest intuitive og nemmeste redskab til at holde overblik over deres forretning.  Vores cloudbaserede løsning gør det nemt for håndværkeren at registrere timer, oprette ordrer, kvalitetsikre samt fakturere. De har altid direkte adgang via app eller pc.


Heaps is the biggest “online nightclub” in the world – with more than 175.000 users partying on Heaps, our traction and reputation keeps growing. We’re continuously developing our platform and strategy to give people, more great nights out. We are a young and ambitious team aiming to change the way people go out with the benefits of all parties involved.


Divans was founded 2 years ago and sells imported unique clothing, as they are produced in limited quantities. We sell clothes for B2C and only focus on the Danish market and have a showroom in Brøndbyøster. Our debut product consists of dresses, which are still the bestselling in terms of our range. Most sales take place on a Facebook group that has 24.000 followers. We currently have a profit of DKK 500,000 in 2 years and are growing. We are currently working on producing own clothing collection.


Vertic is a leading independent digital agency dedicated to developing digital solutions that help their clients build their brands and generate tangible business results. Their award winning solutions are based on the unique ability to blend the core competencies of strategy, story telling, creativity, and interactive design with an in-depth understanding of content creation. By developing an affinity with the brand and an emotional bond, they change consumer behavior. At Vertic, they believe that people must be entangled when interacting with a brand.


Bankly har siden 2018 etableret sig som en markant fintech-spiller på det danske marked, og vi blev startet med det formål at skabe transparens på et meget komplekst marked og hjælpe danskerne med at spare penge. Det gør vi ved at indsamle personlige lånetilbud til vores brugere, som dermed kan finde det bedste og billigste tilbud på markedet hurtigt og nemt.


SpeakerBee er en fri og demokratisk video platform, hvor alle med noget på hjerte kan dele deres viden. Vidensdelingen sker altid via live-streaming, men vil efterfølgende være tilgængelig på websitet. Når vi altid sender live er det med et håb at indlæggene fremstår så transparente og “uredigerede” som muligt. Samtidig giver det seerne mulighed for at interagere med speakerne direkte gennem chat, quizzer, afsteminger, webcam m.m. SpeakerBee er uafhængig af politiske- og andre særinteresser, og sålænge, der er interesse for et indlæg, det er indenfor lovens rammer og det overholder nogle simple kvalitetskrav, er emnet frit. Udover indlæg fra speakere producerer vi selv - eller i samarbejde med partnere - programmer i lidt større formater som kan være samtaler, debatter, temaserier eller anden vidensdeling. Der er også kommercielle indslag - dog altid efter samme principper - at det skal være live og transparent. Vi tror på at fremtidens kommunikation mellem virksomhed og potentielle kunder vil være en ærlig præsentation af virksomheden og dens kultur og værdier samt at deres produkt eller service gør en forskel for brugerne. SpeakerBee råder desuden over to professionelle video- og lydstudier centralt i København. Team SpeakerBee 🐝