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Showing: 3489 filtered startups


Checktom is a Marketplace for the Event Industry. We help creative entrepreneurs show off and get booked.With Checktom you can promote your business, plan your events, keep track of your staff and send out beautifully crafted proposals and invoices. All this from your desktop or on the go. We wish to create magic.


Introducing the Trustless Trader - Now you can trade options on the Ethereum platform. Discover smarter investing by hedging your positions.Valiat is a layered application running on the Ethereum blockchain which uses smart contracts to enable secure derivatives trading. Valiat is built on payment channels allowing clients to trade off-chain with the assurance of on-chain enforceability. The platform looks to make advancements in account clearance, escrow capabilities and low-cost trading. We operate as a single unit: We are a team of professionals, each committed to remaining at the forefront of the fin-tech space. We bring experience, industry knowledge and extremely high standards. What makes us special is our diverse expertise and our shared passion for innovation.

Spearhead Nordic

Welcome to Spearhead NordicHome of the very best Scandinavia has to offer when it comes to animation, games and entertainment.Spearhead Nordic is a digital platform designed to grant Nordic developers a bigger international reach and audience. We will do this by functioning as a news portal, social media network and more.We also offer extensive marketing and promotion services, along with game testing and quality assurance, allowing developers to focus on what they do best.


Resecond as an innovative sharing economic platform and sharing community. Founded in 2011 and based in Copenhagen, Denmark, Resecond is a sharing concept where members can share things, competencies and knowledge using the Resecond digital platform (SaaS and PaaS). The Resecond team is born with a Nordic entrepreneurial spirit and passion for the sharing economy. Resecond has been featured in leading media including Vogue and has also been featured in a Ted Talk.

Quarky Point

Quarky Point er et videoproduktionsselskab der specialiserer sig på animation til hver videoproduktion,  det er med til at give kontrol og flere kreative muligheder for hvordan vi kan udbrede budskabet. Kort sagt er Quarky Point en virksomhed, der tager komplicerede budskaber og gør dem letlæselige via det visuelle virkemiddel – Video.

Crossworkers ApS

We are a young company that helps other SMV´s to get qualified developers in a pressed market. We have many years experience from eastern europe and have startet our own danish development center in Cairo, Egypt. We are optimized for startup and growth companies, who are so long in their strategy that they have an dedicated cto/team lead to handle their development. We give a full fix to a cost who in total are 1/3 of an danish developer. Also we are ready for the GDPR. We are 2 mature guys located 2 different places in Denmark. We have been working half a life and decided to do what we do best. 1 is sitting in Symbion in Copenhagen and 1 is placed in Innovatorium in Herning. We love to work with dedicated software team and have experience from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Pakistan and India. Our developers is working for 25+ different danish companies and are sitting in our own setup in Cairo Egypt.

Navio IVS

Navio IVS, where we are developing both customized client solutions, and a e-learning pIatform, Navio, for primary schools. Navio allows interactive learning everywhere using GPS and augmented reality solutions. We believe that tying information to geo-specific locations and objects is one of the keys to the future of learning.

SpotOn Marketing

SpotOn Marketings vigtigste opgave er at hjælpe lokale virksomheder med at drive forretning i en digital tid.Derfor leverer vi online markedsføring, webdesign og software til mere end 500 virksomheder i Danmark. Vi er et digitalt bureau i vækst med mere end 50 digitale ildsjæle, kontor i København og Århus og en ny SaaS-løsning, der blev lanceret på det danske marked  i september 2017 og allerede efter første uge blev benyttet af flere hundrede virksomheder.


Vi vil sikre DK en førende position i fremtiden. Vi anvender innovative undervisningsmetoder og udvikling af digitale produktioner og værktøjer. Vi underviser børn+unge på grund-, efter-,  ungdomsskoler og gymnasier m.m. i digital spiludvikling, programmering m.m. Alle bør opleve dette. Ikke kun de, der vælger at lave spil eller at programmere af interesse. De andre bør også prøve det sjove i at være digital skaber. Sådan hjælpes flere til at lære fremtidens kompetencer på en motiverende måde.

Freiraum Kollektive

Freiraum Kollektive is an online discussion platform of design collectives based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Together, we aim to give agency to those who traditionally would not have access to architectural decision-making to have a say in how their cities are shaped. As a non-profit organisation, we work in diverse communities to develop design prototypes, events, workshops and exhibitions. Our members network bridges some of the world's most isolated regions.

Radimet ApS

At Radimet we make radon measurements easy. Radon is a radioactive type of gas, responsible for more than 20,000 cases of lung cancer in the EU every year. Radon is in the underground everywhere and only by measuring the levels is it possible to improve the levels by making installations such as improved ventilation and the like.


Our Global Happiness Studies aim to explore the emotional well-being of people living with a chronic disease, such as psoriasis. We believe that by exploring different aspects of people’s lives, we learn more about what it’s like to live with a chronic disease and thereby will be able to truly help them.

Navy Digital

Navy Digital er et digitalt bureau. Hos Navy Digital er vi specialister inden for udvikling af driftsikre webløsninger og mobile applikationer med ekstraordinære brugeroplevelser.Vores team består af in-house udviklere, designere og rådgivere. Vi sværger til grundig planlægning, gennemsigtighed og leveringssikkerhed. Det har ført os til, hvor vi er i dag.

Rebel Penguin ApS

Rebel Penguin is a media company based in Copenhagen that specialises in sports and gaming content. Our products include the Livegoals app, as well as sports news portals like WSN and Our Brooklyn-style office is located in the hip district of Nørrebro. Come pay us a visit to discuss partnerships and business opportunities.


Navigation and analysis of any amount of qualitative data. Gain valuable insights from internal and externally available data, even those that are totally unorganized. Profit from the built-in topic models and get results immediately. Share topic models with colleagues and other users. Linguistic distinctions at your fingertips dramatically speed up even very complex analyses. Search Danish and English material effortlessly, more languages to follow. In this phase we are a very virtual organization. The Book Publishing Company, Samfundslitteratur, is our sales organization with deep contacts into the Higher Education and Research Sector. Apart from myself, the founder, the organization includes specialists in systems architecture and programming plus part time employees working on extending the topic model.