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Wellnessplus er en markeds og service platform til alle behandlere og butikker inden for segmentet "træning, behandling og velvære" Vi vil gerne hjælpe butikker og behandlere med en let og brugervenlig portal, så de selv vil være i stand til markedsføre sig på en let og overskuelig måde.. Vi arbejder benhårdt på at skabe og opbygge så det bliver stedet hvor danskerne søger og bestiller efter fremtidige behandlinger

Cool Gray A/S

Cool Gray rummer et fuldservice kommunikations- og reklamebureau på pt. 32 medarbejdere i et hus med mere en 165 dygtige, imødekommende kolleger inden for alle grene af online- og offline kommunikation. Vi arbejder med integreret kommunikation på tværs af platforme. Vi brænder alle for det vi laver, og er gode til det.  Cool Gray udvikler løsninger med fokus på brugervenlighed og forretningsværdi for en lang række virksomheder i Norden. Vi er i gang med en spændende udvikling på det digitale område.

Zitcom A/S

Since 2000 Zitcom A/S have developed, managed and serviced professional Hosting and Cloud solutions for a wide range of companies and organizations in Denmark. Zitcom A/S operate under three different brands, Wannafind, Curanet and Zitcom, each of which serve different customer groups in the Danish hosting market. From our office in Skanderborg, our app. 40 employees serve more than 100,000 customers and 1,100 resellers.


Boardmemore is developing a marketplace to help people rent sports equipment to other people. The marketplace will solve accessibility issue of rental sports equipment and also will provide a possibility to earn from renting. What sparked the idea? On a sunny day in Copenhagen you would like to take a paddle board and have a tour in beautiful canals that remind you Venice, especially when due to pandemic you couldn't go there, but there is no where close to rent it while you also don't want to buy it for one time. This was how our idea was born. We asked ourselves how might we create P2P marketplace for sports equipment rental and how to make different sports activities more accessible to everyone?

Unistu Consulting

As a consultancy of young and passionated students, we are working every day to unleash the innovation potential of our nation's firms and organisations. We believe our nation should be an international innovation center with a flourishing business life. Therefore, we work towards bringing innovation faster, more flexible and cheeper to our clients. We deliver value by asking deep, fundamental questions and challenging business-as-usual. Our tailor-made project teams consists of highly driven students from different fields of study and together they combine the very best of each individual team member. Our business is grounded in a deep belief in the youth. We believe that young people deserve an opportunity to use their knowledge and creativity to drive real impact for firms, organisations and society as a whole.

Welcome to Ezensual. Being in touch with your "sensual self" is a key factor for any individual’s happiness. It is a much undervalued state-of-mind and state-of-sense. And we are looking for your help to build a leader in the sensual consumer sector globally! Ezensual will bring together an ideal offer for what the world needs now, in one of the fastest emerging industries in the world, providing above and beyond offers, education and customer service. EZENSUAL will cater to users globally and is commandeered by an international and passionate team with +15 years of market experience. We know our way around the global industry value chain, from manufacturing, distribution and retailing, to marketing, sales, supply and support! The global market for sensuality and sexuality in many ways do not cater to 21st century consumer needs! The "offer" is mostly unfiltered and un-related to the individuals needs and wants. It´s product-pitch based, focusing on sales rather than customer interaction and satisfaction. Ezensual will help you to achieve greater well-being, better sensual experience of life and a stronger more satisfying personal sexuality. We uphold our ultimate superior standards by supplying selectively the world’s leading sensual options and brands to provide fun, innovative, functional, safe, and sensual experiences - and products ... the only toys you will ever need. Ezensual delivers the "EzensualYou".


Inspired by art, and more specifically improvised comedy theatre training and techniques, we aim to motivate and stimulate the often suppressed natural skillsets with which human beings are born with: - Creativity and curiosity - Support and respect for oneself and others - Awareness, perception, and focus - Courage and confidence - Trust and openness - Critical thinking and collaboration & Emotional and clear expression. We want to inspire people to develop, and help people reconnect with themselves and others through a fun, open and motivating atmosphere in classes. We foster an environment in which people at any level can move and evolve, both physically and emotionally.


Det personlige CV for spillere og trænere – få al nødvendig viden Spiller og træner fortæller i CV om sig selv i en struktureret form info, billeder og video deles, samt fritekst på ”derfor mig” – samt info om dét som ikke er offentlig kendt. Find også agent-oplysninger, kontraktophør, skadesprofil mv.


Lalatoys is a new startup, building a sharing economy retail service for children’s toys. The concept is simple: you sign up and pick the toys you want to play with. Whenever the toy becomes needless for your child, send it back and get something else. Billions of dollars are put into the children's toy market yearly, and of these, millions of unwanted toys are send to landfills every year. What is even worse is that a high amount of children's toys are produced from non-biodegradable plastic. By swapping instead of shopping, we can let our children play in a more eco-friendly way. We are currently in the progress of building the platform. The platform and its features are essential for us to be a scalable business and require our deepest attention at the moment. The idea started, when I, Dinesan, became father for the first time last year. We bought a lot of toys for our daughter (and still do), but in the end it showed that most of the toys our daughter didn't play with after a very short period - it was quite frustrating that we spend money of something, we either would loose money on reselling and would pile up together with the rest- Currently we are three people in the team: Dinesan Rasiah (Founder - CEO) Christian Nielsen Henriksen (Co-founder CTO) Thanusaan Rasiah (Developer)


At IBintern we're all about helping students turn their dreams into reality. More specifically, help them break into the investment banking industry by providing valuable resources and guidelines that results in an investment banking internship. Our goal is simple. We're on a mission to help students land internships.


28,8 % af den danske befolkning opfylder ikke sundhedsstyrelsen anbefalinger om min 30 min fysisk aktivitet om dagen, og de primære barriere for dette er tid, motivation og manglende viden. Vi vil gøre op med det og har udviklet konceptet Fitbuddy, hvor freelance og selvstændige idrætsinstruktører og trænere kan tilbyde deres service og ekspertise til private brugere, grupper og virksomheder. Derudover vil instruktørerne have mulighed for at oprette holdsessions, hvor man som bruger nemt og hurtigt kan tilmelde sig uden at skulle betale et abonnement. Målet med Fitbuddy er at blive danskernes foretrukne platforme for booking af idrætsinstruktører. Derudover vil vi samle alle instruktører på én samlet platform, hvor de samtidig bliver eksponeret til både B2C og B2B målgrupper.

EventButler ApS

Eventbutler er en platform, hvor privatpersoner og virksomheder gratis og 100% uforpligtende kan indhente tilbud på deres arrangement. Det kan være alt fra en julefrokost, en konference eller et bryllup til en teambuilding-dag eller en fødselsdagsfejring. Man kan indhente sine tilbud ved at søge blandt de forskellige muligheder via platformens søgefunktion, og her selv udvælge de steder, som man ønsker tilbud fra. Alternativt kan man få hjælp af en eventkonsulent i eftersøgningen på den perfekte løsning, ved at anvende tilbudsformularen, hvor vi hjælper med at finde de 3 bedste tilbud.


At Regnskabshelten, our mission is to make accounting simple, cheaper and less time consuming for businesses and accountors. Tasks like bookkeeping, Tax and VAT-reporting are often a pain for companies and consume a lot of the time they could spend solely on growing their business. Tasks like gathering all the correct documents are time-consuming for an approved accountant. This is what we are changing. With our assembly line approach, we are able to maximize each individuals time, where it matters the most. We are able to do this, due to our broad network and optimized internal processes. We digitalize our clients receipts, do their annual report, assist them in a broad field of accounting tasks and much more.

Nordic Casual

Nordic Casual is about sustainable garments completely undefined by gender. That’s it? Of course not. We also care for the planet, love all fellow beings and put accent on Unisex design. All our clothes will be of 100% organic cotton made in 100% fair trade factories and 100% vegan. We envision a successful business with huge impact in the world.

Ja Tak

Du kender med garanti de populære ja-tak-tilbud, hvor lokale forretninger sælger restpartier, store partier eller spotvarer via deres Facebook-side. Dette er en skøn måde at møde lokalsamfundet i øjenhøjde på, samt skabe mersalg, uden et stort annoncebudget eller en teknisk kunnen. Men kan det ikke gøres smartere end det? I dag når man ud til den skare af mennesker, som følger eller liker ens firmaside. Men hvad gør man, hvis man ikke har mange som ser opslag på Facebook, eller hvis man som forbruger ønsker sig et samlet overblik over tilbud i lokalområdet? Vi har en idé og et produkt. Vi ønsker nemlig at: - Støtte lokalsamfundet og skabe et tættere bånd butik og forbruger imellem - Give butikkerne en simpel platform at promovere tilbud på - Give forbrugerne let adgang og samlet overblik over tilbud i lokalsamfundet App'ens formål er at gøre det lettere at komme ud til flere potentielle købere, end personer som synes godt om en given Facebook-side. Få dem til at handle direkte i den fysiske butik og ikke via postordre. Alle fysiske butikker er velkomne til at sælge deres produkter eller ydelser via app'en.