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Plant develops ambitious digital solutions which makes a measurable difference for their clients. Plant is keen on offering the users a good experience on every digital platform. Plant helps companies develop websites, smartphone apps and products for digital marketing and they believe that the best projects are created through a close dialogue between costumer and bureau.


We want to build the leading and most advanced sports betting exchange for trading Football players in Denmark. This will be a new concept on the Danish market introducing a new way for football fans to bet on the sport they love - to increase the excitement around the games and transfers - and earn money on their passion.


DUUO er en moderne facility management-virksomhed, som tilbyder totalløsninger til virksomheder, der ønsker diverse services samlet hos den enkelte leverandør. Vi tilbyder rengøring, vinduespolering, vicevært- og handyman services. Med en moderne tilgang fordrer DUUO, at virksomheder kan øge produktivitet og velvære på arbejdspladsen. Vores fokus er på at skabe rum for at virksomheder kan fokusere på deres kerneforretning. Vores forretning er at få din forretning til at skinne. Og hvordan gør vi det? Ved at tilbyde dynamiske rengøringsmodeller funderet på data og tilpasset den specifikke arbejdsplads. Dette gør vi fordi, at vi anskuer alle virksomheder som unikke. Kort sagt, unikke tilgange til unikke virksomheder.

kleen hub

We are fighting single-use because we realized that the problem was not just plastic, but more in general our habit with single-use items. The restaurant and cafe sector uses large amounts of single-use containers that cause a waste of resources and a threat to the environment. We focus on solving this issue by providing reusable stainless steel food boxes and cups to restaurants and cafes and charge them by usage. Thanks to our free mobile app for consumers, we make sure that the product's circulation takes place smoothly by keeping track of the boxes and cups and ensuring that they are returned into circulation.


Worklife Barometer er en health tech virksomhed, der har udviklet Howdy, som er en innovativ og effektiv service, der forebygger sygdom inden for mental- og fysisk sundhed. Howdy anvendes dagligt af mange kunder i Danmark og Sverige og tusindvis af medarbejdere i hele verden. Gennem en unik metode giver vi virksomheden løbende indsigt i både medarbejdernes og organisationens trivsel, og vi griber proaktivt ind ved opringning til vores kunders medarbejdere og ledere gennem et proaktivt team af psykologer og fysioterapeuter, der hurtigt reagerer på kritisk eller negativ udvikling i trivslen.


Easymove solves the problem of failure to thrive as an employee! We create strong relations through various fun and activating touchpoints and microactions during a workday. We believe in a informal and playfull albeit respectful approach towards a serious challenge. - Easymove is a subscription based SaaS tool that engages employees through team competitions & gamification in our app. - We provide continous data and insight about employee wellbeing and activity with our dynamic HR-dashboard - Easymove provides our customers with both knowledge and experience on how to act and create a more thriving, healthy and productive workplace.

PIF International ApS

PIF® brings moments of happiness to people as well as helping our partners’ business thrive. At PIF® we want to increase social gifting between people, thereby contributing to the stimulation of healthy businesses and healthy lives. By excelling in digital development, social gifting and partner ecosystems, our aim is to create happier & healthier moments for our employees, customers and partners every day of the week. PIF® is a unique digital social gifting platform that enables people to give gifts to each other while supporting growth in local businesses. We’ve started our journey in Denmark, but we aim to be in several international markets in 2021. WHO IS PIF® At PIF® we are every day happiness rebels. By excelling in digital development, social gifting and partner ecosystem, we insist on enabling happier & healthier days for our employees, users and business partners every day of the week. Our goal is to increase happiness through gifting amongst people and thereby actively contribute to the perseverance of healthy, long term business value WHAT WE STAND FOR: - Transparency: What you see, is what you get. We have nothing to hide - Integrity: What we say, is true and for the best for our customers, employees and society - Agility: we believe in adapting to what creates most value today - Emphathy: We genuinely, truthfully care about each other and the ones we work with - Accountability: We give and take responsibility with trust in each other OUR PIF® DREAM - IN A TIME NOT FAR AWAY PIF´ing someone” is a part of peoples daily language. A social currency for gifting, with the feeling of happiness whilst using it. We PIF® our friends, our family or a future boyfriend or just someone who needs it a gift and the app is part of the few we actually use more than once a month. And businesses fight to promote it, as they know it will benefit their own business. We want PIF to be part of culture.

Cheers ApS

Cheers er et brætspil med fokus på det festlige, der med et nyt banebrydende koncept, skaber rammerne for det, som de unge altid har manglet til deres weekendaftener. Cheers vil gerne associeres med fest og sjov. Spillet har mange spørgsmål, som byder på en masse udfordringer, og der er garanti for upassende, men sjove situationer, hvor du får dine grænser overskredet. 15 forskellige forfest drukspil Over 250 sjove kort Nemme spilleregler Spillet liggere end 200 forskellige steder i Danmark og er kun 6 måneder gammelt.


Mouseflow is one of the most successful software companies in web analytics, developing innovative software since 2010. We serve more than 165,000 customers in 100+ countries; the US being one of our most important markets. Mouseflow has developed a unique tool for optimizing websites by recording visitor behavior on a website and analyzing the pages with heatmaps. This ensures that you always have a precise picture of how to optimize a website in order to improve user friendliness and results.

Travelday er en digital rejseplatform som har til formål, at hjælpe rejsende med at finde deres drømmerejse. Vi har gjort rejsebureauernes arbejde digitalt og hermed kan rejsende finde deres næste rejsedestination på få minutter. Brugerne går ind og vælger de ønsker de har til aktiviteter, kultur, priser osv. Herefter viser vi på 2 sek. de rejser de bør undersøge nærmere. Vi har netop fået udviklet en MVP, for at se hvordan brugerne vil bruge siden. Derfor er forretningsmodellen i starten med fokus på affiliate til bookingsider som og TripX. På sigt skal vi have rejsebureauerne op på siden, samt egne hoteller og en abonnementsløsning. Travelday hører til i Aarhus og søger en co-founder.

Blackbird ApS

Blackbird ApS is a spin-off from emendo Consulting Group. It all began with the frustration over the cost of installing data collection systems on filling lines at the Danish brewery, Royal Unibrew. The consultants in emendo decided that a better technology was needed. The idea behind Blackbird is to provide products and services, which will reduce wasted resources within companies and improve the way people live and work together. Everything is developed in-house and inspired by key customers and top graduate students. The company’s vision is to positively impact the lives of one million people before 2020. The Blackbird platform is already in use in Europe, North America and Asia.


Rigtigmad, et samlingspunkt for Danmarks bedste madvarer med fokus på gennemført håndværk, upåklagelig kvalitet, 100% naturlige produkter, produceret af mennesker vi kender og elsker. Vores samarbejde med små producenter bringer de bedste madvarer direkte hjem til dig. Vi er din venlige, lokale, bæredygtige, renere end ren mad-formidler. En sundere og simplere måde, at skabe et bedre fødevaresystem for dig, din familie og resten af Danmark.


Vi har flere års erfaring med at hjælpe startups.  Vores fokus er at hjælpe med de ting I ikke er eksperter i, så I kan fokusere på det I er bedst til. Vi bliver en aktiv del af jeres startup, og I får hurtigt kompetencer og ekspertviden ind, som kan løfte virksomheden til næste niveau. Arbejdsopgaver er bl.a. forretningsudvikling, daglig ledelse, produktudvikling, økonomistyring og funding (fx InnoBooster og Vækstfonden). Vi kan investere timer og penge i jeres startup - pitch os på

EasyPoker ApS

EasyPoker is a new take on the traditional poker app. Our Android & iOS application lives somewhere between a mobile game & a utility app for poker players. EasyPoker facilitates multiplayer games for when you don't have poker chips og playing cards with you. The idea of approaching mobiles games as you would utility apps came to one of our co-founder during his time at Niantic Lab (Ingress, Pokemon GO). With this design method, we made a digital substitute for the physical poker set.

CLA Reply

CLA Reply makes onboarding easier for accountants, lawyers and bookkeepers by automating the processes that they are required by Anti Money Laundering legislation to perform. We do this with an end-to-end-encrypted data model, conversational design and a strong focus on behaviorial insights and user experience.