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We deliver unbiased and IoT-specialised consultancy - thereby helping organisations leveraging the potential of Internet-of-Things.We have a simple yet effective process that helps organisations identify and qualify IoT-based business cases. All our advisors are specialised within IoT and have several years of global device roll-outs. We therefore assist throughout the whole value chain - from business case to roll-out - and we have implemented some of the largest IoT-projects in Scandinavia.


Kitinno arbejder med Analyse og forhandling i Danmark Analyse Kitinno har udviklet et skræddersyet analysesystem, der muliggør et totalt økonomitjek og simpelt overblik på samtlige, rabatter og prisstrukturer på tværs af dine måske titusindvis af transaktioner. Forhandling Kitinno tilbyder at styre planlægning, tilrettelæggelse og gennemførelse af forhandlinger med leverandører.


An impact venture - Building an episodic interactive documentary experience A project to elevate a contentious oil drilling issue in the North of Norway, Called 'Lovese Drilling' which is the acronym for areas of Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja. This year in September the newly elected government of Norway will decide to drill for oil in these areas.

Human Rights in Action / Levende Menneskerettigheder

Human Rights in Action is a non-profit knowledge resource center working to make human rights matter in th 21st century and beyond. It was established as a reaction to recent years development in state security measures with increasing power to the state, and an increasing control and surveillance of the citizens. Human rights in action means a proper balancing between security-measures and the fundamental rights of the individual.

Coffee Growers A/S

We are a fast-growing coffee exporting company, with our headquarter located in Bogota city. Based on our strict quality protocols, social awareness we offer customers the best quality and compliance with the highest sense of social and commercial responsibility. We operate as an NGO to support local coffee grower families in Colombia.

Evermart A/S

Evermart is a young ecommerce company, which since it's start in 2014 has grown from a single man project and 10 products, to 16 employees and about 5000 + specializes in affordable consumer electronic with a high value for money. We don't believe that products should be overpriced just because they have a fancy name. This means that most of our products are from start up brands, or our own private label where you pay for the product only and nothing else.


Plant develops ambitious digital solutions which makes a measurable difference for their clients. Plant is keen on offering the users a good experience on every digital platform. Plant helps companies develop websites, smartphone apps and products for digital marketing and they believe that the best projects are created through a close dialogue between costumer and bureau.


We want to build the leading and most advanced sports betting exchange for trading Football players in Denmark. This will be a new concept on the Danish market introducing a new way for football fans to bet on the sport they love - to increase the excitement around the games and transfers - and earn money on their passion.


DUUO er en moderne facility management-virksomhed, som tilbyder totalløsninger til virksomheder, der ønsker diverse services samlet hos den enkelte leverandør. Vi tilbyder rengøring, vinduespolering, vicevært- og handyman services. Med en moderne tilgang fordrer DUUO, at virksomheder kan øge produktivitet og velvære på arbejdspladsen. Vores fokus er på at skabe rum for at virksomheder kan fokusere på deres kerneforretning. Vores forretning er at få din forretning til at skinne. Og hvordan gør vi det? Ved at tilbyde dynamiske rengøringsmodeller funderet på data og tilpasset den specifikke arbejdsplads. Dette gør vi fordi, at vi anskuer alle virksomheder som unikke. Kort sagt, unikke tilgange til unikke virksomheder.

RPA House

I RPA House vil vi gerne være med til præge fremtidens arbejdsplads. Det gør vi ved både at øge medarbejdertilfredsheden samtidig med virksomhedens effektivitet. RPA House leverer automatiserede og forbedrede arbejdsprocesser, hvorfor jeres organisation bliver mere effektiv, produktiv og øger jeres kapacitet. Dette hjælper RPA House virksomheder med at realisere ved blandt andet at tilbyde følgende services: Rådgivning, Udvikling, Implementering & Undervisning. RPA House er stiftet af 3 unge CBS studerende med speciale i IT og forretning. Vores udviklere er certificerede i RPA, og har stor ekspertise og erfaring indenfor udvikling, implementering og undervisning af RPA. Derfor har vi mulighed for, at skabe den bedste løsning for jeres virksomhed. Vi udbyder vores services i hele Danmark, og har kontor i København.

kleen hub

We are fighting single-use because we realized that the problem was not just plastic, but more in general our habit with single-use items. The restaurant and cafe sector uses large amounts of single-use containers that cause a waste of resources and a threat to the environment. We focus on solving this issue by providing reusable stainless steel food boxes and cups to restaurants and cafes and charge them by usage. Thanks to our free mobile app for consumers, we make sure that the product's circulation takes place smoothly by keeping track of the boxes and cups and ensuring that they are returned into circulation.

Crunch IT

Crunch IT works with cloud platforms for the hospitality industry. We're part distribution - part software development. We distribute and support international POS and PMS platforms, but we also develope our own online ordering platform. Our goal is to be able to support any electronical-made guest order and integrate that into POS, PMS, etc. We have a nice office on Strøget in Copenhagen complete with kitchen, meeting room, outside terrace (for when it's not raining), fruit, snacks, beers and great company. The team is all Danish, but English-speakers are more than welcome!


Worklife Barometer er en health tech virksomhed, der har udviklet Howdy, som er en innovativ og effektiv service, der forebygger sygdom inden for mental- og fysisk sundhed. Howdy anvendes dagligt af mange kunder i Danmark og Sverige og tusindvis af medarbejdere i hele verden. Gennem en unik metode giver vi virksomheden løbende indsigt i både medarbejdernes og organisationens trivsel, og vi griber proaktivt ind ved opringning til vores kunders medarbejdere og ledere gennem et proaktivt team af psykologer og fysioterapeuter, der hurtigt reagerer på kritisk eller negativ udvikling i trivslen.


Vi er en nyopstartet webshop som sælger speciallavede plakater i 1:1 henvendt til børnefamilier, med nyfødte børn. Vores plakater er lavet med henblik på at også barnet synes det er interessant at kigge på, hvorfor vi henvender os til både barn og voksen. Vores motiver er søde dyr, som er specieltudviklet til vores koncept.


Easymove solves the problem of failure to thrive as an employee! We create strong relations through various fun and activating touchpoints and microactions during a workday. We believe in a informal and playfull albeit respectful approach towards a serious challenge. - Easymove is a subscription based SaaS tool that engages employees through team competitions & gamification in our app. - We provide continous data and insight about employee wellbeing and activity with our dynamic HR-dashboard - Easymove provides our customers with both knowledge and experience on how to act and create a more thriving, healthy and productive workplace.