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Toobusytobefit er en online coaching virksomhed startet af Mike Radoor ( og Kasper Knudsen. Virksomheden startede af den ene grund at Mike som serieiværksætter så hvordan interessen for hvordan han kunne holde sig i den fine form, selvom han havde travle uger og tonsvis af udenlandsrejser på skemaet. Vi har i dag hjulpet flere end 1000 personer med at tabe sig og klient antallet stiger uge for uge. Vi har dagligt 100vis af spørgsmål fra aktive klienter som søger hjælp til en forbedret form og livsstil. Vi har store ambitioner og har for mål at blive Europas største coaching virksomhed inden for vægttab, livsstilsændringer og kropstransformation. Vores mål er at skabe en virksomhed der med stolte øjne kan sige at vi har gjort verden en tjeneste ved at hjælpe overvægtige med at tabe sig.


Maguru is reinventing the way craftsmen interact with their customers. There are 100 million transactions in the EU B2C market alone, but despite the high frequency the process is fundamentally broken: According to trade association ‘Dansk Byggeri’, 87% of end customers are happy with the end result while only 17% are happy with the customer experience. Our Marketing and communications platform remove transaction costs, improve the customer experience and facilitate repeat and referral business.


PatientSky reduces the distance between patient, healthcare provider & software companies through a palette of communication tools, mobile apps, web-applications and a development platform. Our products include schedule software, communication tools, VoIP / Video solutions, journal, medication etc. To gather all our products in a single system, we have built a healthcare platform on open standards, i.e. openEHR, FHIR etc. Our vision is to become the operating system (OS) for healthcare. Our main customer base is in Norway & Finland and consists of general practitioners and other medical specialists, physiotherapist, chiropractors etc. PatientSky was founded in 2014 and made two acquisitions in 2017-2019 to strengthen our offerings. The team consists of 130-160 employees across our offices in Denmark (Odense, Copenhagen), Norway (Oslo, Kongsberg, Sandane) & Finland (Helsinki). Note: All positions are not "remote positions", and will require you to be able to be physically present at the office. We are always open for applications, so if nothing fits your profile (or we don't have any openings), you are welcome to send your CV + application to with the subject "Job Application".

Cardlay A/S

We want to improve businesses by digitising commercial banking transactions. Cardlay A/S is a Danish FinTech company founded with a clear purpose: To enrich every transaction. We want to improve businesses by digitising commercial banking transactions while continuing to challenge the endless possibilities of business process automation and bringing transactions to life through machine learning and intelligent solutions.


Superclass er et lille one-man bureau tæt ved søerne på Nørrebro der udvikler mobil-apps og webløsninger.Superclass er startet med at have henblik på at have glade medarbejdere og lave projekter der både er fede og lærerige. Superclass arbejder lige nu både med early og late-stage startups og hjælper også andre bureauer med at booke deres pipeline op med projekter.Et socialt og læringsmiljø er nøglen i Superclass og en vigtig del af virksomhedens visioner.

Global Startup Awards

Global Startup Awards was born out the Nordic Startup Awards. It uses the competition framework and events to run programs across the current 5 regions covering 50+ countries. The organization has HQ in Budapest and a smaller team based in CPH.  Global Startup Awards is built as a franchise with each region operated by an external organisation.

NordicWatts ApS.

WHO ARE WE? Do you like energy savings? Because we do! NordicWatts has developed a solution to easily measure energy consumption (400V/3-phase) from large equipment such as air compressors, ovens, heaters air conditioning, etc., and reveal major cost savings. Our handheld, plug & play device provide firms and energy consultants with precise, reliable and convenient data measurements – helping create an energy efficient environment. WHY MEASURE ENERGY? “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it” Lord Kelvin Firms experience several benefits when assessing their energy consumption, including cost savings and the promotion of environmental action. In addition, governments are increasingly mandating that companies operating large equipment must perform energy-efficiency assessments.


Crewnet har eksisteret i 3 år og vi brænder for at gøre en forskel for at hjælpe det festival- og foreningsliv, der spiller en stor rolle for sammenhængskraften i vores samfund. Vi videreudvikler og driver vores SaaS platform, som løser mange af de nærmest uoverskuelige logistikproblemer der opstår, når man skal planlægge og afvikle et større festival- eller foreningsarrangement, og dermed får behov for at koordinere mange menneskers samarbejde for at få det hele til gå op i en højere enhed, når arrangementet løber af stablen - ofte over adskillige dage. Vi sparer vores kunder for op til 60% - nogle gange endnu mere - af den tid de bruger på vagtplanlægning, kommunikation og administration. Crewnet er et mission critical værktøj for vores kunder, og i sidste ende deres kunder, så derfor er det et kardinalpunkt for os, at vi skaber robust og fejlfri software, der løser svære problemer og som altid virker.


OCOC står for Of Course Off Course. Det er et oplysningsprojekt af iværksætter og foredragsholder Denis Rivin, der formidler og fremhæver håbefulde fremskridt inden for teknologi, videnskab og global udvikling. Ordspillet of course off course hentyder til, at vi har nået en historisk skillevej hvor der er nye og bedre måder at gøre tingene på, hvorfor vi selvfølgelig må skifte kurs.

Nitro Travel Solutions

In Nitro Travel Solutions, you meet an agile team striving to help its’ clients to work faster, leaner and scale their business.  We are experiencing strong growth and need more passionate and skilled people to drive it.Nitro is our web platform for incoming travel agencies to create quotes, make bookings and much more.Nitro can double our customers turnover capacity per staff.Visit our web page for a 2-minute fast quotation video of our incoming tour operator software.


Lendino is Denmark's first crowdfunding platform for company loans. By using our marketplace on, Danish companies get loans from our crowd of private and professional investors - to the benefit of both parties.Lendino's platform is based on our general “crowdfunding platform as a service” (CPaaS) system, Smallbrooks. We license the Smallbrooks system to banks, universities, cities and other types of organisations that want to use crowdfunding to engage and empower their own "crowd".

Travelli - The Female Travel App

Nowadays everybody loves to travel and explore the world. Nobody wants to travel alone, but it can be hard finding someone to travel with. Especially women have a hard time finding female travel buddies. We want to solve this problem with Travelli. Travelli is an app that creates a female travellers universe by enabling women to explore the world together. The problem is solved by uniting female travellers in our app. No more missed opportunities to travel and wondering whether there’ll be a cool person to hang out with at the next hostel. With Travelli, women can discover the world together. The two features of our beta version; Near Me and Matched Trips make it possible for women to find travel companion both prior to and during their trips. Travelli completely disrupts the way women travel by facilitating an easy, convenient and safe way of travelling which leads to new connections, rich experiences and great travels.

Elite Advertising ApS

Elite Advertising er blandt de skarpeste indenfor LinkedIn og sociale medier for B2B virksomheder. Elite Advertising er kort sagt en lille konsulentvirksomhed som er specialiseret I at vækste B2B virksomheder - Lige fra startups til store virksomheder. Ambitionen er at blive rigtig stor og en dag blive blandt de største indenfor B2B markedsføring. Hovedfokus er at samtidig opholde den absolut højeste kvalitet i branchen. Vi har fået investering fra det bedste Facebook marketing bureau i Danmark - Her får vi mentorship og løbende sparring i om Elite Advertising, samt hvordan vi skalerer samtidig med vi skaber maksimal vækst for vores kunder. Desuden, så skal vi arbejde med Jesper Buch. Kort sagt, så ved vi hvad vi laver. Det bliver en spændende rejse som vi gerne vil have flere med på. Hvis det lyder som dig, så tøv ikke med at skrive :-)

Too Good To Go

At Too Good To Go we are dedicated to the fight against food waste! Food waste is a huge global issue, with one-third of all food produced being wasted, a landfill is overflowing and our environment is really suffering the consequences. And it's not just about the food itself, it's all the resources that went into producing the food, the land, the water, the labour. It's a sad state of affairs and we're on a mission to inspire and empower everyone to take action! Our platform allows people to buy surplus, unsold food from restaurants, cafes, supermarkets, bakeries etc. that otherwise would have to be thrown out. Through our app, everybody can make a difference by 'saving'​ perfectly good, delicious food from going in the bin.

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