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Showing: 3489 filtered startups

Cerebriu A/S

Cerebriu improves global healthcare by helping radiology work smarter using AI solutions. Our solutions span real-time decision support during radiology examination through enriched image analysis supporting medical diagnostics. Our workflow solutions are powered by a deep learning-based AI backbone that provide fully automated image quantification and biomarkers, initially of MRI brain scans. We come from all over the world with a mission to make the most versatile Brain MRI analysis tools.


Matrikel1 is the  innovation House on Højbro Plads in the very center of Copenhagen. We opened in May and it has been fast pace ever since. It is the focal point for investors, entrepreneurs, creators and disruptive business in Denmark. Specifically, Matrikel1 provides high-end event space, bar&cafe, flexible work space, lounge and offices. We actively work with and create network across all of above.


2 billion people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water, resulting in 500,000 deaths yearly. SolarSack has developed an affordable and non-chemical household water purification solution. SolarSack can purify 4L of water in 4 hours using only sunlight. It is reusable 500 times, providing 2,000L of purified water for only $4 - enough for a family of four for an entire year.


Danish founder and CEO Jannik Lawaetz started LuggageHero in 2016 in Copenhagen with 50 drop off-points. In 2017 the company expanded to London and New York with more than 350 storage locations. In 2019 LuggageHero expanded to +36 new cities and currently has more than 1000 storage partners globally spread across Europe and North America. In 2020 the company will expand additionally.


Vores virksomheds overordnede formål og langsigtede mål er at gøre penge nemmere og bedre tilgængelige for alle. Vores værdi kommer af at løfte både nuværende kundebehov bedre end andre løsninger på markedet, samt adressere et samfundsmæssigt dødvægtstab. Eftersom der er en stigende efterspørgsel på adgang til her-og-nu finansiering. Vi vil løse disse udfordringer ved at gøre penge tilgængelige gennem deres værdigenstande. Vores koncept kan bedst sammenlignes med en pantelåner.


Vi hjælper idrætsforeninger med at skaffe nye medlemmer. I samarbejde med DGI, har vi udviklet et digitalt værktøj, som gør det nemt at skaffe nye medlemmer til idrætsforeningerne. På, kan man søge hold på tværs af idrætsforeningerne, så man kun skal lede et sted. Du kan eksempelvis finde hold for 8-årige, man. og ons. eftermiddage, indenfor 5 km. radius af din bopæl. Når man har fundet et hold man er interesseret i, kan man nemt tilmelde sig en prøvetræning digitalt, uden at skulle ringe til en træner eller administrator. Vi giver også foreningerne mulighed for at besøgende på deres egen hjemmeside kan tilmelde sig digitalt. Hermed er det slut med at ringe og skrive til en administrator for at finde ud af hvornår man kan komme til prøvetræning. Læs mere om vores digitale værktøj her: Ca. 80% af danske idrætsforeninger (10.000 foreninger) vil gerne have flere medlemmer, men har svært ved at rekruttere dem. Til disse foreninger tilbyder vi målrettet digital annoncering af deres træninger. Læs mere om denne løsning her: Motivu vandt DGI impact (innovationskonkurrence) i November 2018 og har derigennem et stærkt samarbejde med DGI. Vi har en fælles ambition om at få mange flere danskere til at bevæge sig.


ConsortiaManager is the only software workflow tool in the world developed to save library consortia time and money in negotiation processes with publishers of academic subscriptions. The CRM and ERM tool was launched in 2014 and is continuously improved and developed in close cooperation with library consortia. We currently work with Libraries in Europe, Australia, North America and South Africa and our clients includes Harvard, Stanford, Columbia University, and the United Nations.    ConsortiaManager is a software workflow tool developed to save library consortia time and money in negotiation processes with publishers of academic subscriptions. The consortia work flow tool is the only one in the world of its kind.ConsortiaManager has amassed the whole process into one flow, systemizing the data and providing system users with a good overview of their subscriptions. It creates a space for storing data in one place and enables its users to estimate the value of each journal subscription.ConsortiaManager helps consortia by • Creating an overview of all subscriptions and related information in one place• Managing the entire work flow process of communication, ordering and invoicing• Providing information and statistics to ensure the optimum subscription terms• Saving time by organizing and streamlining repeated work flows• Minimizing errors from using multiple systems and manually handled data• Providing overall efficiency and quality service in the subscription processThe system was launched in 2014 and is continuously improved and developed in close cooperation with our clients. We currently work with consortia in Europe, North America and South Africa and our clients list includes Harvard, Yale, MIT and the United Nations.

Zetland ApS

Zetland is a young Danish media company dedicated to digital journalism as a force of good. is a subscription-based online service, delivering daily publications of high quality feature journalism, written by a team of gifted journalists, publishing on a custom-built platform that integrates our members in the editorial process in every way imaginable.

Revolt Apps

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At reVIRTUE, we truly believe in decentralized ways of reimagining the future. We are a young startup convinced that there is an urgent need for better infrastructures that determine our everyday lives. The status quo is simply not good enough. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a stark wake up call, it has revealed the faults in the systems that makeup our modern lives. With the creative industry being one of the hardest hit, creativity has been dampened with the stress of the moment, but now, more than ever, we need creativity to flourish in order to usher in the brighter futures we KNOW are possible. reVIRTUE is a decentralized platform that will link creators to demanders through cognitive automation. The aim is to defy the current top-down creative industry with economic infrastructures that are resilient by design and distributive by default. It will introduce a self-sustaining ecosystem where creators can own their prospects with dignity and can focus on actually making transformative work. A new status quo is waiting to be born.

finuprise ApS

finuprise is developing an app that helps people make smart investments into stocks and funds with social and environmental causes 84% of stocks belong to the wealthiest 10%, and women invest 40% less than men on average. How can we make the world better if decisions lie in the financial gatekeepers’ hands? The time to act is now, and finuprise is the tool to make change happen. Money talks, so let's be loud


Claimlane is a B2B Saas startup operating in the fashion industry (FashionTech). We have build a platform for retailers and suppliers to easily manage complaints (i.e. faulty clothes). Our mission is to make the complaint process silky smooth and to provide our customers with insights into their faulty products, thus helping them make better and more sustainable products in the future. We believe in a strong culture - with the right motivated people the sky is the limit. A few things that define us: - We are motivated by building something great as a team, and prioritize maximizing team output rather than having individual hero performances. - We value learning as fast as possible, both as a company and as individuals. - We put customers first, and expect everyone to want to engage with them. - We are ambitious and know that creating a success takes a lot of hard work. - We are always looking for ways to improve, even if we are doing pretty well already. - We are fun to hang out with. We spend a lot of time together - let’s make it enjoyable!


We are a growing team of talents committed to challenge ourselves and our customers to reach higher. Inspired by change and with a passion for learning we build lasting value together. Our consultants have a unique combination of technical expertise and skills related to the capital markets. By offering a wide range of services including business analysis, software design and development, Visigon ensures sustainable solutions for all aspects of trading, risk management and operations to banks and other financial institutions. It is our strong belief that being present locally in the Nordic countries, with long term goals and perspectives our business incentives are aligned and deeply bound to the success of the capital markets in this area. This is our platform for building rich partnerships and to grow together with our partners


Raido er ny non-profit organisation, der er etableret i 2019 for at styrke unges fremtidsmuligheder gennem nye indsatser, der skal mindske elevers frafald på uddannelser via to greb: 1. Vi designer og afprøver nye frafalds-indsatser i samarbejde med elever, lærere, uddannelsesledere, forskere, firmaer, NGO’er og med eksperter fra bl.a. Harvard, MIT, DTU, CeFU, McKinsey, ReD Associates, Nike og AKQA Denmark. 2. Vi driver Raidos Ledernetværk af ledere fra 20 erhvervs- og gymnasiale uddannelser for videndeling og nye samarbejder på tværs af uddannelser i Danmark Raido er stiftet af Steffen Thybo Drostgaard, Direktør, som trækker på mange års erfaringer som leder, iværksætter og konsulent bl.a. fra DANSIC, UNLEASH, Dalberg, NDC, Uddannelsesministeriet.osv. Læs mere på:

Toobusytobefit er en online coaching virksomhed startet af Mike Radoor ( og Kasper Knudsen. Virksomheden startede af den ene grund at Mike som serieiværksætter så hvordan interessen for hvordan han kunne holde sig i den fine form, selvom han havde travle uger og tonsvis af udenlandsrejser på skemaet. Vi har i dag hjulpet flere end 1000 personer med at tabe sig og klient antallet stiger uge for uge. Vi har dagligt 100vis af spørgsmål fra aktive klienter som søger hjælp til en forbedret form og livsstil. Vi har store ambitioner og har for mål at blive Europas største coaching virksomhed inden for vægttab, livsstilsændringer og kropstransformation. Vores mål er at skabe en virksomhed der med stolte øjne kan sige at vi har gjort verden en tjeneste ved at hjælpe overvægtige med at tabe sig.