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We provide pure mobile enterprise solutions that strengthen the business of companies, mobile operators and Unified Communications providers. In Denmark, more than every third company has selected a pure mobile solution. There are many reasons and it is not just about cost savings. It’s all in just as much to use mobile options to make everyday life more efficient, provide better customer service, and enhance cooperation in the company. With Dantelo’s products, that work on all mobile networks, you can provide a formidable customer service while making your employees become more efficient, which all together benefits your business. Experiences of our customers shows that they typically achieve an increase worker efficiency of between 4 and 10% per employee.


RecruitOffer is an online crowdsourcing platform that aims to shorten the recruitment process. We connect the companies, who want contact with the brightest graduates, with headhunters, who have the most capable candidates in their talent pool - all at once. Through RecruitOffer companies publish their profile requirements, which become visible to multiple headhunters at once. The headhunters then activate their candidate portfolio and delivers screened candidates directly to the company.

Izinga ApS

Hos izinga bestræber vi os på at have en kreativ og innovativ tilgang til velfærdsteknologi. Det burde ikke være en kreativ og innovativ tanke, at velfærdteknologien tager afsæt i den enkelte borger eller behandlers behov, men derimod i at strukturere og integrere teknologien på en sådan måde, at den glider problemfrit ind i hverdagen.Vi har 2 produktserier Usizo - Som er et af os udviklet journalsystem til det kognitive område. Løsning er Cloud baseret og GDPR compliant. Løsningen er et "næste generation" journalsystem som tager afsæt i terapeutens arbejde. Systemet er lavet i samarbejde med terapeuter, til terapeuter."Klik-Peg-Aflæs" - Vores meget enkle ble løsning til plejecentre. Markedets billigste og mest simple løsning af et stort problem. Når man går på arbejde bruger man reelt mere af sin tid på jobbet end man gør sammen med ens familie, det er derfor vigtigt at man fungerer og man brænder for det man laver. Om fredagen hygger vi os til middag og laver i fællesskab ristede hotdogs, en god måde at ønske hinanden "god weekend" og vende ugens store og små ting.


Bredbå is a guide to Danish ISPs with focus on quality content for everyone. We help consumers through the process of buying an internet connection with the relevant guidance and information. We try to keep both the Danish and English guides up to date with the information you need, when looking for internet connections in Denmark. Our goal is to provide you with quality content in a way that makes it easy to understand – even if you don’t know all the technical terms.


Between 40 and 70 percent of an average yard is underused. In a mixed urban city such as Copenhagen, these gardens are usually located side-by-side with those without space to garden.YardnBud is a new online solution for yard-sharing and garden-hosting. Our small team is building an intelligent system that matches the characteristics of a yard-owner with someone without garden access, backed by a comprehensive automated gardening assistant and a beautiful user interface.


Det skal være nemt at finde hjælp til rengøring og danne overblik over ens muligheder. Derfor har vi arbejdet på højtryk hele året, og glæder os til snart at lancere et helt nyt koncept i Danmark, som skal give dig mulighed for at finde lige præcis den hjælp, du har brug for, når du ønsker det.


We have developed FieldSense, an application for web and smartphones that allows agricultural farmers and advisory services to monitor crop development using satellite technology. The application helps farmers track the photosynthetic activity of crops at a cellular level. This information can be used to identify issue areas in crops before visible symptoms of damage occur, allowing farmers to begin issues treatment at a much earlier stage and thus reducing the risk of potential yield loss.


We offer a B2B mobile app for companies who participate in trade shows in which they easily can register their visiting clients when participating in trade shows around the world. The app minimize the administration dramatically and offer the user a number of really nice features that structure all in the customer information so it is easy to import to existing CRM systems plus a number of other features. For full review we ask you to check out our website:

The Eye Tribe

The Eye Tribe software makes it possible to integrate eye tracking into mobile devices and VR headsets. By combining eye control with existing means of control, like touch, tilt, and key press, The Eye Tribe will enhance user experiences. The software is unique, because it relies only on low-cost components.

Trusted A/S

We provide tracking, monitoring and logistics solutions for the heavy industry. Our devices included sensor for position, temperature, humidity, light, motion, pressure and acceleration and are battery operated giving years of maintenance free operation and an easy installation. Our users create an overview and setup the system for monitoring, alarms and documentation that help and secure optimized logistics and materials handling by locating and monitoring specific parameters.

Bikematch is a platform where you can get the overview and find offers on bikes from your local bikeshop.On the other side we have made a dedicated online system called for bike dealers, that enables them to manage and update all of their online platforms from one place. The system features a build in database with bikes which can be integrated with their current webpage, facebook and other marketing platforms.Our vision is to be The best online system for bike dealers globally.

Borreskov Kommunikation

Borreskov Kommunikation hjælper virksomheder med at opnå målbar succes via sociale medier.   Med udgangspunkt i virksomhedens strategi og behov tilrettelægger vi et forløb for, hvordan den når ambitiøse og relevante mål i forhold til sociale medier. Vi sætter en ære i at dokumentere resultater ved at rapportere traditionelt bløde kommunikationsformer gennem forståelige og relevante statistikker. På denne måde sikrer samarbejdet værdi og ROI for virksomheden.

Bookmundi ApS is a global travel booking portal displaying tours and adventures by local partners around the world. We launched in June 2015 and already offer +2000 tours and travel packages world wide. We've just hooked up with the world's largest travel companies Gadventures and Intrepid Travel and will shortly be featuring all of their tours as well. Bookmundi differentiates itself by: - User friendly design- Real-time chat and message capability, including the ability for our partners to provide a customised offer via the chat to customers. - Auctioning function allowing customers to get 5 travel offers from qualified travel companies within in average 3-4 offers, currently active for treks in Nepal and safaris in Tanzania. More destinations to join this programme shortly. We're not in business to replicate existing travel booking portals but in business to stir the pot.

Genius Analytics

Genius Analytics er den nye spiller på markedet. Konverteringsoptimering er aldrig tilbudt før som vi gør det. Vores ambition er, at være Danmarks billigste, men samtidig have den ønskede positive effekt på kundens konverteringsoptimering. Vi har derfor valgt, at opnår vi ikke det mål vi sætter inden start, jamen så skal du som kunde slet ikke betale. Ej heller selvom din konvertering er øget til punktet under målsat. Vores team er dit team.


PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH COMPLETE OVERVIEW AND FULL VISIBILITYworkpilot: What if you can manage all your projects and time via an app consisting of 8 modules: job assignment, time registration, project management, GPS/map, inventory, documents, templates & e-mail/notes.Simplicity is the key word. We simplify a complex work flow to a few clicks and automates the data flow. That means that e.g. adjustment of inventory, salaries & invoicing is generated automatically & transferred to your ERP system.