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Showing: 3489 filtered startups


Your app for ordering travel money!   We have created a simple and easy-to-use smartphone application, that gathers all excellent currency exchange vendors for private consumers, to display their currency offers with the opportunity to order and collect currency at desired time/moment and from a vendor of your own choice.   Our mission is to give our users an overview of their financial opportunities when traveling.


Peercraft is an innovative tool for consumers to discover products and services and login to retailers sites to complete purchases.Using our open sourced OpenDiscovery technology customers can discover retailers offerings directly, eliminating the need for costly platform intermediaries such as Google or Amazon. Additionally Peercraft reduces fraud and increases privacy protection while supporting the entire customer journey from service discovery to transaction and delivery.


Talent sourcing made easy, smart, & cost-effective.A two-sided platform where everyone in a secured and anonymous setting can provide recruitment capabilities towards jobs at hiring companies. Our tailor-made platform allows companies to post vacancies and enables everyone to become a recruiter by using their network and present relevant candidates. We facilitates the buying and selling of recruitment services and utilize the network of many - capturing the unused available recruitment capacity.


Vi er Sportsmakker, fordi vi er makkere til folk der ønsker en aktiv og sund livsstil som en del af deres hverdag. Vi er et team, der færdes i et miljø, hvor vi altid er med helt fremme med hensyn til ny viden inden for sundhed og udvikling. Vi ønsker derfor at skabe de bedste rammer for dig, din virksomhed, din forening eller din kommune.   Vi kan tilbyde dig. - Konceptudvikling - Rådgivning af foreningsudvikling, Teambuilding, Mental træning, Undervisning af aktiviteter, og idrætsfestivaler.

Kit Couture

Kit Couture revitaliserer håndarbejdstraditionen.Vi gør det let for den moderne kvinde at strikke, hækle eller brodere modeller i et æstestisk design, som hun har lyst til at bruge. Vi sælger kits over nettet og leverer altid letforståelige opskrifter sammen de materialer, som skal bruges.  Vores kits giver fritiden mening. Vi giver den moderne kvinde ro og fred til at skabe netop det, hun drømmer om.


In WhipperKids we believe that wind and water are some of the purest sources of fun. We thrive to inspire the next generation to join us on the water. For that reason we set out to build the world's greatest windsurf gear for kids. We are rethinking and questioning every aspect of modern day windsurf- and water-equipment, and won't tweaking and hammering before our products are lighter, better and easier to use than anything else out there.


vCompany – for your online benefit Do you know how much you earned in the past week? Google Analytics shows you your revenue, but what are your profits? How well does your marketing work? vCompany’s plugins for Google Analytics gives you the answer.  vCompany is not like the others. We offer analysis tools and add-ons for e.g. Google Analytics that gives a true picture of your profits and your competitors. Tools that you cannot find elsewhere.


Navigation and analysis of any amount of qualitative data. Gain valuable insights from internal and externally available data, even those that are totally unorganized. Profit from the built-in topic models and get results immediately. Share topic models with colleagues and other users. Linguistic distinctions at your fingertips dramatically speed up even very complex analyses. Search Danish and English material effortlessly, more languages to follow. In this phase we are a very virtual organization. The Book Publishing Company, Samfundslitteratur, is our sales organization with deep contacts into the Higher Education and Research Sector. Apart from myself, the founder, the organization includes specialists in systems architecture and programming plus part time employees working on extending the topic model.

CPH Inventures

Exruptive ('14) & BBHS ('14) are part of CPH Inventures Holding A/S.EXRUPTIVE develops an integrated solution for optimization of the security and commercial experience in international airports offering improved security.BBHS provides bulk baggage handling solutions that may be integrated with all airport sorting systems resulting in 95% reduced manual  baggage handling & faster baggage reclaiming.Technologies are IP protected and combine Multiview and diffraction X-ray scanning technology. 1. Determination: Disruption requires a lot of will-power2. Intelligence:To deal with the complexity of what we are doing and the industry in which we are doing it3. Integrity: Zero tolerance on moral shortcuts


Do you know how much water you use on a normal day? Or what you actually use the water for in your home?Most of us know little about our water consumption, and we believe this lack of knowledge results in a waste of water.Aqubiq develops an intelligent water meter that tells you how much water the individual appliances in your home use - washing machine, shower, dishwasher etc.Through increased awareness and more qualified information, our goal is to inspire you to save 15% water in your home.

Mad About Copenhagen

Mad About Copenhagen is a startup based in Villa Kultur. In 2014, we set out to create the food guide to Copenhagen that we thought was missing. Over the years, it grew and so did we. Today, we work on a variety of projects that focus on telling the stories of the food, people and places that make Copenhagen so delicious. We cater to both locals and internationals, and work with our community to ensure we’re everywhere in the city. We started off as friends (we still are) and we want to keep our weird vibe alive as we grow as a company. We drink wine whilst we work, go swimming in the sea together, get drunk at festivals and eat a lot of incredible food.Our workplace, Villa Kultur, is quite unique to Copenhagen. It's a total oasis of hidden wonders, secret passageways, a luscious garden, a wine cellar, and a great bunch of lovely creative people. It's an inspiring place to be!


Vi sætter dine opgaver i udbud - 100% gratisOpret din opgave 100% gratis i vores appAlt du skal gøre er at tilføje evt. billeder og en beskrivelse af din opgave i vores app. Nu skal du blot vente på at få dit første bud på opgaven.Vælg den bedste virksomhed til netop din opgaveDu har nu fuldt overblik over priser og referencer på de virksomheder som kan hjælpe med netop din opgave. Nu kan du frit vælge den virksomhed som passer jer.


Bikeportalen er en ny salgsplatform, hvor man kan søge efter motorcykler der er sat til salg af private og virksomheder. Du kan også sælge din motorcykel helt gratis og uforpligtende på Bikeportalen er ny og er igang med vinde markedsandele ved, at få bedre placeringer på søgemaskinen google.

Muzeo Design

Muzeo Design står bag Danmarks nye kunstformidlings-app ArtView. ArtView er en nyskabende formidlings-app som igennem augmented reality og lyd kobler det digitale med det fysiske kunstværk og derved giver gæsten en dybere forståelsen og værdsættelse af værket.Dette er med til at højne gæsten museumsoplevelse og giver samtidigt kunstmuseet muligheden for at nå ud til et bredere publikum. ArtView blev lanceret på Ribe Kunstmuseum december 2016 som det første kunstmuseum i Danmark.

Investigate North

Investigate North is an award winning Nordic content producer who specialises in integrated media; combining film and games to create deep worlds and engaging narratives. Currently we are in development with 3 projects; an international TV series and video game about AI and, an international thriller about privacy and a science fiction show about the Thule base in Greenland.