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Showing: 3489 filtered startups

KickAss Capital

What problems would you love to solve? What are your goals in life? What, like really, do you enjoy working on? If you could change the world what would you do? How would you like your kids to remember you?...And how can we help you accomplish that?KICKASS capital invest in extraordinary entrepreneurs with unique technologies that will define the next era of innovation. Sounds good? Send us your pitch!

Alldialogue ApS

Vores vision er at etablere en ny standard for, hvordan kommunerne smartere løser samarbejdsudfordringerne digitalt og vi ønsker at være deres foretrukne platformsvalg. Vores mission er at forbinde ledere, medarbejdere og borgere i kommuner via én central og fleksibel applikationsopbygget samarbejdsplatform, som kan understøtte alle ønskelige samarbejdsformål på tværs af fagområder og sektorer, for derigennem at mobilisere og effektivisere samskabelsen og borgerkontakten.


We’re a modern e-commerce startup, born on Kickstarter where we raised +2.5M DKK.Our mission: To create an awesome e-commerce platform that sells products to customers all over the world.Our vision: To disrupt the sock industry with a sustainable, innovative, high quality product. We sell our product SOLOSOCKS through our Shopify e-commerce store out our instagram: @solo.socksWe’re located in central Copenhagen close to Kgs. Nytorv Metro.

HatchFox Studios

HatchFox Studios is a new game/software design, development studio within Australia. Our aim is to create amazing games and software for PC, Consoles, and Mobile. While taking advantage of trends and hidden niches, within the digital industry.We  work directly with the community, using social media and forums to do sowe exist to rebuild the gaming industry within Australia and re-define what being a gamedeveloper or publisher means for the rest of the world.  I'm a Student from Noosaville Queensland I am one year from graduating from Good Shephard Lutheran College. Over the past few months, i have started HatchFox Studios by myself as an adventure. It was definitely something new and a lot of challenges have come up but I have always found a way through it and now we have a dedicated remote development team and 4 products two of which have prototypes. I am proud of what I have done and look forward to seeing what I can achieve.

Raptor Services

Raptor is a SaaS that delivers a complete personalization solution. Our recommendation engine collects, learn, recognize each individual and their interactions – making marketers able to empower relevant content across platforms and channels. Using advanced algorithms, datamining and machine learning Raptor is a true Omnichannel market leader. With more than 800 customers in +45 countries, we provide recommendations independent of industry being able to recommend both products and content.

Mind the Mind

Mind The Mind Mind The Mind Aps (MTM) is a newly established, innovative company based in Copenhagen, working to become an online knowledge center and a platform for young people with stress. We hope to make them aware of their behavior and show them how to remedy their stress.We are creating an "gamified" playful and engaging platform, which through games, exercises and mentoring helps them handle their stress to promote their mental health.

Enyday ApS

Enyday is a digital platform and service for operating energy communities in buildings or districts with collective self-consumption of solar. A “behind-the-meter” energy community, could be a large apartment building or cluster housing with collective power buy, solar PV, battery storage, and EV chargers. When a building has such installation, new needs, and opportunities arise. Enyday provides a solution for buildings with smart invoicing to ‘self-manage’ the collective electricity usage with significant savings while providing a community application engaging and nudging neighbors to consume energy in a sustainable and responsible way.


FeedsFloor is an online platform that helps small & medium-sized companies connect with local & international customers, distributors and suppliers in an easy, affordable and digital way. Our mission is to help 3,000,000 SMEs in 2 years. FeedsFloor works together with everybody who shares the same mission. This includes Chambers of Commerce, Local & Export Business Councils, Exhibitions, Business Networks and other commercial communities.

Crossworkers ApS

We are a young company that helps other SMV´s to get qualified developers in a pressed market. We have many years experience from eastern europe and have startet our own danish development center in Cairo, Egypt. We are optimized for startup and growth companies, who are so long in their strategy that they have an dedicated cto/team lead to handle their development. We give a full fix to a cost who in total are 1/3 of an danish developer. Also we are ready for the GDPR. We are 2 mature guys located 2 different places in Denmark. We have been working half a life and decided to do what we do best. 1 is sitting in Symbion in Copenhagen and 1 is placed in Innovatorium in Herning. We love to work with dedicated software team and have experience from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Pakistan and India. Our developers is working for 25+ different danish companies and are sitting in our own setup in Cairo Egypt.


The World Airplay Radio Monitor is an online service that helps people from the music industry track and monitor their music, in real-time on radio stations around the world. Until now, independent artists, bands, managers, labels, booking – and promotion agencies, producers and publishers have had no or very little insight into when or where their songs are being played on radio stations. WARM is changing that and is creating transparency by providing you with essential data about your music.

Navio IVS

Navio IVS, where we are developing both customized client solutions, and a e-learning pIatform, Navio, for primary schools. Navio allows interactive learning everywhere using GPS and augmented reality solutions. We believe that tying information to geo-specific locations and objects is one of the keys to the future of learning.


Naboskab udvikler, tester og implementere fysiske deleplatforme, der gør det nemmere at dele ting i bolig- og byområder. Vi servicere, udstyre og driver platformene mod deltagerbetaling fra boligforneinger. Vi udvikler en ny infrastruktur for forbrug, der tager højde for fremtidens forbrugers efterspørgsel på adgang frem for ejerskab af produkter.

Ekstern CFO

Ekstern CFO er en dansk virksomhed beskæftiget med finansiel rådgivning, bogholderi og systematisering af processer. De typiske ydelser vi tilbyder er; Rådgivning omkring økonomistyring Bogholderi Corporate finance Optimering af drift Vi arbejder oftest remote. Typisk med kunder som har et ønske om at digitalisere og automatisere deres økonomistyring. Se mere om Ekstern CFO på


Webscale er et digitalt bureau specialiseret i webdesign, webudvikling, e-handel og digital markedsføring. Vores team er drevet af passion og engagement og vores fælles mål er at hjælpe virksomheder og tilfører dem værdi ved at kombinere strategi, brugerindsigter, design, innovation og teknologi.Hos os er der ikke to opgaver der løses ens. Vi forstår os på vores kunders behov og skaber altid skræddersyet løsninger med et erklæret mål om at skabe merværdi.Besøg vores hjemmeside her

Browkers ApS is an online comparison platform that helps investors find the best online broker. We strive to perform the best personalized online comparison. You choose which criteria is the most important for you and we compare based on your choices. Our visitors can choose to compare based on: Trading feesAccount feesSoftwareSupportSecurity/Deposit guaranteeRegulationsWe will do our absolute best to make it easy and transparent to choose the best broker for your own personalized needs.