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Showing: 3489 filtered startups

Shipping Company specialized within Biomass transport and solutions.    We have invented a coastal Wood chip carrier optimized for transport of wooden biomass logs and timber within Europe.    The ship FOV - FLEXIBLE OPERATING VESSEL or Faraday - Orsted - Volt - is a Dual Fuel Hybrid ship with Waste energy recovery, that carries a full DWT cargoes of Wood and wooden biomass. Fuel consumption is about 50 percent of same size GT Vessel. Manning is reduced 25%, and operating time is full 365 days year is the shipping Vehicle of E-CO2 and is assisting clients ww to ship/charter and coordinate biomass shipments on executed charterparties particularly developed for the trades. is the only Company specialized in transportation of Woody biomass and has acquired  a large knowledge within a fast growing cargo segment.  Shipping educated, managerial positions, specialist Company.


AIDR vil gøre det nemmere for brugerne at få hjælp til hverdagsproblemer, som for eksempel at flytte, lappe en cykel, slå græsset, skovle sne eller noget helt fjerde. MissionVores mission er at gøre det lettere for folk at få hjælp i hverdagen. Uanset hvem man er og uanset hvor man er. På en platform helt uden begrænsninger.VisionVores vision er at skabe let og hurtig adgang til hjælp fra folk i nærområdet og på den måde skabe øget værdi i brugernes hverdag.


CONOVAH provides tools, knowledge and consultancy services globally regarding occupational health and safety mainly to the maritime industry, maritime suppliers and other parts of the transport industry. We provide assistance tailored to the needs of your company and the individual employee. We can help you manage and implement workplace health and safety.    Our global psychological crisis assistance is available 24/7/365 – call +45 4014 1084    OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SOLUTIONS - and implementation of GDPR CONOVAH provides tools, knowledge and consultancy services globally regarding occupational health and safety mainly to the maritime industry, maritime suppliers and other parts of the transport industry. We provide assistance tailored to the needs of your company and the individual employee. We can help you manage and implement workplace health and safety. Services: • Implementation of the EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) • Psychological Crisis Assistance 24/7/365 and contingency procedures • Health and Safety Solutions • Organizational development • Stress Management • Coaching / Mentoring • Courses in Leadership, stress management and psychological first aid We have an experienced team of psychologists and experts that are familiar with the challenges on board ship and in other parts of transport. We work by established ethical standards and procedures. Our global psychological crisis assistance is available 24/7/365 – call +45 4014 1084

Regnell Works

Regnell Works helps start ups and established companies identify opportunities within sustainable business models.  The UN Sustainable Development Goals represent a very large business opportunity for all of us if we are to realize a planet in balance by 2030. Regnell Works has significant experience in a national and international business context. Making a positive difference is possible for everyone - making money, while you do it, requires expertise. We are passionate about making a difference in the world. Sometimes that means working our behinds off - however we also want to be a positive influence on those that are close to our heart - so we make sure to enjoy the ride and take time off to smell the flowers, exercise and enjoy life.


In everything we do, we trigger people’s imagination and creativity so that, together, we find solutions for a better future of our world. Everyone has imagination! We are the go to management consulting company, triggering people’s imagination and creativity. The vision is to invent the future of organizations, where people can truly thrive.

Danish Maritime Innovation

’Danske Maritimes Hus’, som det er døbt, på Symfonivej 18 i Herlev har 816 kvm. fordelt på tre etager og har plads til 16 iværksættere samt en mindre maritim startup-virksomhed.Danske Maritime huser kontorer til maritime iværksættere og startups med unik mulighed for faglig sparring med både Danske Maritimes fageksperter og nøglepersoner i det maritime erhvervsliv.

Heste Til Salg

Her samler vi alle heste, der er til salg i Danmark. Vi sigter mod at blive den mest foretrukne side for alle, der ønsker at sælge eller købe en hest. Vores forretning kommer til at fokusere på at gøre salgsdelen nemmere og bedre for alle, der er inde for denne branche. Vi tager et lille beløb for at vise din annonce for et kæmpe publikum.


CodeSpaghetti is a career portal for software developers. We are in the process of building an Adaptive AI based self assessment system for developers.CodeSpaghetti provides in depth guides on how to succeed in technical interviews. It has built a huge database of interview questions. And developing various other tools , tactics and resources to help developers ace their next technical interview.  I came to Denmark in 2004 to pursue a Bachelors Degree in Electronics engineering from DTU.  After graduation it was a long journey for me to find a job as non Danish speaking candidate. I went through a lot of rejections and really learned the process to do interviews. From last 10 years i have worked at some of the biggest tech companies in Denmark.  I felt that there is a need to create some some tools. Which can help software developers to assess their own skills and tech them how to prepare and do technical interviewsBased on my experiences I started codespaghetti to create the tools and resources which i wished to have at my disposal when i started my career.


Help at risk players to manage their time spent in casinos. We use beacons and proximity technologies to locate user inside venues, manage their self imposed limits and put them in contact with location Managers if breached their limits.currently we are piloting the solution in UK, Manchester for one of the top players in the industry.

A major shift is ongoing from a centralized internet to a decentralized one. However, this is currently only available to people with high technical knowledge. aims to break this barrier down by offering a one-stop solution for building a blockchain-powered application, from the back-end infrastructure all the way to the user interface of the application itself.

Persondata er relevant for ALLE virksomheder, og bøder og dokumentationkrav er blevet skærpet med de nye persondataregler Det behøver dog ikke være så svært, tænker vi hos ComplyTo. Derfor har vi udviklet et helt unikt og brugervenligt online GDPR system , der hjælper din virksomhed med at leve op til reglerne om persondata, uden du skal have en stor forhåndsviden om GDPR Og det bedste af det hele er, at det er billigt: Du kan komme i gang fra kun 199,- kr. om måneden. er en ny digital platform for professionelle grafikere.Vi har skabt et "happy flow", for vores platform klarer alt det unødige. Du skal ikke spilde tiden på at forklare hvad en vektor fil er, eller prøve at lave noget lækkert, med et billede fra google.Korrekturen, korrespondancen og betalingen sker automatisk – du skal heller ikke bruge tiden på at vinde opgaver; vi tilbyder dig kun dem du elsker! Du skal faktisk bare designe – dvs. du skal lige søge ind først! Men mon ikke :) ?


AlphaWorld is dedicated to helping gamers find competitive gaming entertainment. As more and more esports content is created it becomes increasingly difficult to sort the best from the rest. AlphaWorld aims to solve this problem, by giving an overview of the best competitive gaming content from live tournaments to news and games. My name is Anders and I am a big fan of gaming and entrepreneurship. I have several years of tech startup work and founding experience. Data analysis is my passion. Using data to optimize a company across product development and marketing gets me excited.

MeeW App

We believe that everyone should work with what they are passionate about and with what they love - whenever it suits them. We believe in spending time with family, friends and on our interests. We are Denmark's largest competence and job marketplace. Offer, or find work when it suits you. Join for free today. Android:  iOS: We are changing the status quo and intellectually revolutionizing the job - and competence markets. We believe in spending time with family and friends and letting 'work' or 'business' be a word of the past. We will open the borders of time and geography and let people deal directly and independently with eachother. Because MeeW is you and me.

Men's Lounge ApS

Men's Lounge er et livsstils-brand og et mandeunivers. Vi ønsker at give den moderne mand mulighed for at udtrykke sig selv igennem moderne indretning og personlig stil. Konceptet opstod ud fra et ønske om at lave en platform med moderne, minimalistiske og maskuline produkter. For at kunne udtrykke sig selv, mener vi, at man skal være en den bedst mulige udgave af sig selv - tillidsfuld, loyal og kærlig. Men's Lounge giver dig mulighed for at udtrykke dig igennem indretning og personlige stil.  I Men's Lounge har vi en stærkt iværksætterkultur. Ofte sidder vi og arbejder til langt ud på aftenen, fordi vi har et fælles mål og vision om at gøre vores virksomhed bedre og bedre. Det ligger dog dybt i os, at det også skal være en fornøjelse at være til stede. Vi har højt til loftet, folk kan arbejde selvstændigt og hjemmefra. Vi elsker at være på kontoret, og vi elsker at være i selskab med hinanden. Det er dog vigtigt at understrege, at du skal have et iværksætter-gen i dig for at kunne blive en del af vores team på nuværende tidspunkt, da vi skal have gjort denne virksomhed stor!