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Showing: 3489 filtered startups

Vivid Media

We manage Instagram accounts for small businesses. Many owners of small businesses are aware that presence on Instagram is probably the ideal way of promotion, but few of them feel that they understand social media, and few manage to lay out a thought-out Instagram strategy. Vivid Media represent young people who are native instagrammers who have fun while they devise and execute great Instagram strategies. We take care of your brand on Instagram while you focus on your business.

Skab en fed kontrast med en glasvæg og få et ny rum uden, at miste lys og dybde i din bolig. Få et industrielt look i din bolig, som skaber en helt unik kontrast til resten af dit hjem. Vi tilbyder glasvægge til alle typer af rum og boliger. Alle dele af vores glasvægge produceres i ypperste kvalitet. 12 mm ruder i hærdet glas, som sikrer holdbarhed og klarhed. Vi påsætter lydisolerende klar folie, som sørger for at din glasvæg isolerer lyden.


DearFamiy ApS is a  startup company with a team that is dedicated, passionate, and competent. DearFamily calendar app provides you with an online family calendar that keeps your family organized and updated 24/7. Family members can manage appointments in the shared calendar and through push messages and notifications keep everyone up to date.

Medier & Co

Medier & Co er et digitalt bureau med mange års erfaring inden for hjemmesider og online marketing. Vi er specialister i at skabe langsigtede SEO resultater og brugervenlige Wordpress hjemmesider. Har du brug for en stærkere tilstedeværelse online? Vi hjælper danske virksomheder med at få succes online og mere salg i forretningen. Vi driver sideløbende en række brugervenlige tjenester, der gør det enkelt at sammenligne og få overblik over forskellige markeder. Vi kan bidrage med gode leads og målrettet trafik, der vil være et godt supplement til dine øvrige marketing aktiviteter som virksomhed.

California Kitchen

California Kitchen is a fast-casual healthy lifestyle restaurant based in Copenhagen, Denmark that provides a unique and distinguishable California experience by way of taste, hospitality and design.Our mission is to build a responsible brand serving nutritionally rich, environmentally balanced and delicious whole foods that inspire and enable healthy lifestyles, while being convenient and economical for all.


COLUMDAE Export Specialist - Work local, trade Global! We support companies in their Export and trading abroad. COLUMDAE assists you in every step of your exportation and business journey. Through a range of unique services, we can give you new and fast export growth, more sales opportunities abroad, reliable information with direct key business contacts: Building your advanced channel development to maximize your export expansion and your trade success, as a true alternative to in-house resources. COLUMDAE offers a unique high level of practical and advance sales experience on the national field, exclusive local know-how, contacts & network in your target market business community, and of course confidentiality: • CUSTOMER & PARTNER SEARCH • ACCOUNT EXPORT SERVICES • TRADE MISSION • MARKET ANALYST • LEAD GENERATION SERVICES & LOBBYING WHERE: EUROPE: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Germany, Russia, Benelux, France, UK, Italy, Spain and Turkey ASIA: Korea and USA Our staff in each country is exclusively local with a long experience in specific industry sectors, export rapid growth and international sales. This allows us to offer high professionalism with excellent knowledge of the "field" and trade culture, as well as linguistics and business network. Outsourcing with local and highly qualified personnel, can be an excellent way to conquer new markets and foreign customers, considerably lowering costs and time, with a clear and target oriented goals.


Hi! We're and we strive to develop both aesthetically beautiful and technologically demanding websites and shops.Our target audience, our clients that is, never compromises with either aesthetics, quality or immersion, and surely we don't either. Contact us today if you'd like to become part of our small, but growing team.

Highspeeddrinks Aps

Highspeeddrinks develops automated bar systems that are designed for high volume sales outlets such as festivals, concerts, nightclubs and cafes. Highspeeddrinks also aims to solve common problems in the bar and catering industry, such as long waiting times and shrinkage. Highspeeddrinks bar systems are able to dispense more alcoholic beverages at the same time in precise amounts to prevent overlap.


FOCUSWRX helps organisations invest time and energy on what matters most making it possible to achieve top priorities in a sustainable way. We provide a system for working with energy, priorities, time and attention that promotes sustainable high-performance and well-being. We are a technology and consulting company combining measurements from wearables with the behavioural change to help employees and teams to perform and thrive in today’s working environment.

Lean Akademiet

Vi udbyder Lean kurser og Lean uddannelser til danske virksomheder.  Vi bruger halvdelen af vores tid på at være ude hos kunder, hvor vi høster erfaringer, som vi bringer med ind i vores uddannelser. Vi arbejder helt uden PowerPoints i vores undervisning. Alt teori omsættes til praksis ved hjælp af øvelser. Hos os er det et krav, at du arbejder med din egen udfordring fra din egen arbejdssituation. Det gør, at du straks omsætter det du lærer til noget, du kan bruge i praksis.


The digital body hub💪☕️ BodyBarista is the App where you measure you body by pictures taken in the mirror. Track your muscles and body parts and your Body Fat %. Patent photogrammetry together with Machine Learning makes BodyBarista one of its kind to help you follow your body. A boosted bathroom scale using your bathroom mirror.


ItsMyCargo provides white-label SaaS for the logistics industry. Our software makes it possible to automate the freight booking process, calculate all-in rates, and search through thousands of routings and schedules to identify the most relevant possibilities available. It can do that for all modes of transport – whether by land, air, sea or a combination – while taking into account real time conversation rates and the velocity of the wind. Ok, perhaps not the latter – but it is pretty amazing. We managed to build a truly amazing team with proper talent and synergies. 7 different nationalities within the same office, yet we all speak the same language. To each their own with a specific set of skills that we excell in, and together we make the engine run. The system that we have built reflects the amazing team. An extremely complex backend to cope with the excessive data and dynamic processes of the global logistics industry, built with a multi-tenant software architecture to ensure mass scalability. We recently took on a head-to-head with a $55M funded competitor and won the client solely based on our system, and though we remain humble in size, we have closed renowned industry players such as SACO Shipping, H.J. Schryver, and Greencarrier AB. That is what we are most proud of having built: A team that is actually up for the overwhelming task of taking on the global industry that connects the entire world. Filmed at our Hamburg office:


BetterBox er leverandør af stærkt kuraterede økologiske og veganske treat boxe på abonnement. Gennem meningsfulde samarbejder og grønne fællesskaber ønsker vi at inspirere til ansvarligt forbrug og en sund og bæredygtig livsstil. BetterBox gør det nemt at vælge det bedre alternativ. Vi tester os gennem junglen af forsvarligt producerede snacks for at sende de bedste hjem til dig. Vi ved, at alle taler om økologi og bæredygtighed. Men for os er det også vigtige principper, når mørket falder på.

Ellen Pedersen

Starting a new fashion line within menswear and kids wear.  ELLEN PEDERSEN is the eponymous label founded in 2015 by RCA 2014 graduate Ellen Pedersen. The menswear brand’s identity is informed by a youthful muse and combines creative pattern cutting and tailoring with modern sportswear detailing. Prior to establishing her label, Ellen Pedersen built up an extensive CV whilst studying at TEKO design school and RCA, working for Christopher Raeburn, Astrid Andersen, UNIQLO and Zegna Baruffa.


Ellies leverer privat hjemmehjælp til seniorer som mangler praktisk hjælp i hverdagen. Det sker via en markedsplads som forbinder - fortrinsvis - studerende indenfor omsorgsfag med ældre.76% af alle ældre udfører pt. pligter, som de ikke er i fysisk stand til, samtidig stiger ensomheden blandt ældre  år for år. Dét løser vi med vores Ellies-hjælpere, som leverer samvær samtidig med de udfører en lang række ydelser bl.a.:RengøringIndkøbMadlavningMotion & aktiviteterTransport Generel hushjælp