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When the idea of the Unobrush arose, so did the question: How come the dental industry has not seen innovation since the launch of the electric toothbrush more than 65 years ago? UNOBRUSH is a fully automatic toothbrush brushing all your teeth simultaneously. It consists of a high-density nylon bristle mouthpiece connected to a powered motor all tucked into an innovative and elegant design.


Helpti er en abonnementsbaseret start-up virksomhed. Vi ønsker at disrupte IT branchen med dette korte og præcise koncept : Ubegrænset it-support, verdens bedste antivirusprogram og  ubegrænset adgang til it bøger for kun 99/mdr.  I første omgang Danmark, men visionen er at brede konceptet ud i de øvrige nordiske lande. Konceptet, hjemmeside og backbone er på plads. For at sikre proof off koncept skal ejerteamet udvides med en E-commerce manager der skal sikre vi kommer ud over rampen

Kure Search ApS

WE SPECIALISES IN RECRUITING IT MANAGERS AND SPECIALISTS IN ALL INDUSTRY SECTORS. We are often contacted, when either a client experiences, that a certain profile is difficult and time consuming to find or they have completely given up finding them. Our network consists of candidates that are rarely active job seekers. They are all considered best in class within their area of work.

Center for Dialog

Vores arbejde fokuserer på at styrke samarbejdsrelationer mellem mennesker og gøre det muligt for dem at skabe relevante forandringer. På arbejdspladser og uddannelsesinstitutioner. Og i samfundet generelt. Vores faglige fundament er transformativ dialog. Fordi transformativ dialog gør det muligt for mennesker at tale sammen om problemstillinger, der er vigtige for det, de gør sammen. På en måde, hvor de bliver klogere på, hvordan de kan lykkes med det, de har brug for at lykkes med.


The goal of ILIAS NVO is to optimize the overall operation and maintenance of the military equipment that very often is being used outside normal operation patterns and in extreme conditions. The challenge was to develop mathematical models that can turn the vehicles actual usage profile into relevant information that can be used for operational, maintenance and training purposes

Lean Technologies IVS

Founded in 2012, Lean Technologies is a Copenhagen based full stack digital product development hours. We provide web & mobile apps with a focus on Agile, Growth hacking, UX/UI Design and Lean.At Lean Technologies we combine client's vision and our knowledge about user's needs and wants to build the product people want to use. We know how to get the most out of digital marketing, design, growth hacking and web development to take our partner's business to the next level.

Navus Consult

Navus Consult works with E-Commerce projects using Salesforce Commerce Cloud (previously Demandware) platform. Services include helping to setup client's teams, frontend / backend development, concept design preparation and execution, platform architecture design and implementation, sparring and filling in required gaps.


Rentatrend is an 1 year young Danish start-up, taking on the challenge of circular economy and clothing consumption and is about to launch the “version 2.0” of have a lot of exciting things going on atm. We just got accepted into the accelerator program Go Grow and is in close dialog with raising seed-capital up to half a million kroner. To be able to do this successfully, we need a passionate and talented programmer.


With the FETCH app in your pocket you can order your preferred groceries whenever you need them, and have them delivered to you within just 20 minutes.No more planning, no more waiting and no more inconvenient deliveries. The secure payment happens automatically in the app, and you can follow your delivery all the way from the store to your doorstep. FETCH has a close collaboration with the Danish supermarket Irma, which ensures that users always get fresh quality groceries from a local store.


At Pixelz, we help brands and retailers effortlessly retouch product images for e-commerce to boost their online sales and reduce returns. We've spent years investing in people and developing software to create post-production’s greatest ever timesaver, S.A.W. TM, a digital production platform and traffic control system powered by AI and specialized retouchers. The result is a retouching service offering unprecedented speed, consistency, and scalability. We’re trusted by leading brands in every category and have retouched 30 million product images and counting. Pixelz was founded in Denmark but is now found locally, thanks to offices in 6 countries hosting a team of 700 people globally. Our vision is to change the way product image editing and studio management is handled in organizations the world over, leading to transformational change for our customers, from the bottom line to effective time management.

MIBS Marine & Business ApS

An experienced and reliable multinational group with offices in Denmark, England, Canada and Pakistan. Providing services in the maritime field (covering marine insurance, loss prevention/risk management, claims, cyber security, maritime security, cargo recoveries, bill of lading, charter party etc.), business field (assisting in formulating business plans, registration of business, drafting and negotiating commercial contracts etc.), finance and tax fields.


Novaheim is a social design startup creating high-quality home accessories in close collaboration with women at Danish asylum centers. Novaheim addresses the societal issue that female refugees are poorly represented on the Danish labor market. Our approach is proactive and is carried forward by means of Danish design. Through creative work, we aim at empowering women in the asylum phase to bring them closer to the labor market while at the same time bringing sustainable products to life


Monopol er et nystartet kommunikations- og marketingsbureau beliggende i indre by, Gothersgade 109. Vi har eksisteret siden januar 2017 og er et lille, men dynamisk team, hvor kreativiteten er i højsædet. Vi arbejder med koncept, design, content, digital distribution, start-ups og en lille smule events.


Startup webshop baseret på drop shipments hvilket vi er de første i Danmark til at gøre. Vi er den frække dreng i klassen som sælger lækkert udstyr til cykler/cykling til konkurrencedygtige priser. Vi vil være med til at definere retningen for succesfuld detailhandel i fremtiden ved at kombinere de muligheder som digitale platforme giver.P.S sitet er ikke online endnu


We are making an innovative social media App, Gopodio, for talent competitions.       Gopodio is creating a whole new world for talent competitions, in a interlinked and innovative fashion. Here is fun for everybody from the local football talent to world-class singers and dancers, and it is the place where you can support your friends or your real idols, as well as it is the place that can host your customized competitions.   The concept is scalable and with a huge, global perspective.   .