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Showing: 3489 filtered startups


We are changing the way the world does research, by building the notebook (with wings) for humans.Successful R&D is about connected data: the meta-data, the relationships between the projects, and the relationships between all of the data artifacts are the hidden treasure of R&D.Amie lets researchers from any field organize, connect, visualize, and share all of their research - data, metadata, analysis, and notes - on one platform.


We help air passengers. AirHelp wants to create a better experience for air passengers and airlines when flights are delayed by promoting and enforcing air passenger rights all over the world. We are not a law firm, but a tech firm with lawyers. Through unique flight data, awesome customer support and one of the widest legal networks in the world, we bring the passenger justice on a silver plate.


Artboost is an eco-system of art aiming to democratize art and make it accessible, affordable and understandable for everyone.- Artboost has +1200 artists from over 60 countries exhibiting over 5,500 unique pieces of art.- The company is fully funded by its activity.- The company has been around for three years with continuous growth.The eco-system contains and so far.


NOFRED Nofred er et skandinavisk livstilbrand med ikoniske, legende  og æstetiske interior produkter til børn.  Med øje for bæredygtighed er hvert Nofred produkt tidløst, af høj kvalitet og grundigt håndværk - designet og skabt til at holde i mange år.  NOFRED.COM

WSP Danmark A/S

WSP Danmark er en virksomhed, specialiseret i strategisk bygherrerådgivning og projektledelse. Vi kan tilbyde vores kunder innovative og bæredygtige løsninger på højt niveau. Vi har kontorer i København og Odense, hvorfra vores ingeniører og projektledere arbejder på unikke projekter for vores kunder. Vi er en global virksomhed, men vores afdeling i Danmark har kun eksisteret i et par år, og vi arbejder hårdt på at blive en førende spiller på det danske marked.

Voi Technology

We are passionate about shaping cities for people, reducing pollution and breaking traffic gridlock across Europe. Our mission is to provide sustainable and inclusive last-mile mobility solutions, enabling people to move freely while at the same time helping cities reach their 2030 climate goals. By creating networks of shared electric vehicles around city centers we provide an affordable, fossil-free and exhilarating way of traveling. By working closely with public transport operators, we galvanize change in the way people transport themselves, and pioneer a shift - away from unnecessary car trips to shared electric mobility.

Smart Meeting Assistant

Did you know that employees spend more than 2.5 months a year attending unproductive meetings? Smart Meeting Assistant is the next-generation app that helps companies through the entire meeting process by guiding the user before, during, and after the meeting to create the most value by reducing cost, increasing effectiveness and productivity.

Hilfr ApS

You could say that Hilfr is "Airbnb for private cleaning" but Hilfr is more than that Hilfr aims to provide decent working conditions for providers of cleaning services on our platform. As the first cleaning platform in Europe we have negotiated a collective agreement with a trade union (3F). This ensures that people working on Hilfr are guaranteed a good minimum salary, pension, holiday pay, access to sickness benefit and a number of other benefits. All Super Hilfr's are employed by Hilfr Aps which means that tax is payed in accordance with Danish law. Hilfr is a very intuitive and easy-to-manage platform. It is free to sign-up but everyone has to upload a picture of a personal ID, which is key part in ensuring a credible and secure platform. We charge the by far lowest fee in the market - only 6 percent. And our fee is not taken from the Hilfrs wage, it is added to the customer’s bill to ensure transparency. It is important for us to make sure that Hilfrs can keep as much of their pay as possible. That is only fair.


Videolink er en unikt hightech kommunikationsystem til lowtech brugere - en slags ”Facetime for Oldies” via TV. Vi ønsker at styrke kontakten mellem generationerne i familien og inkludere eks. ældre familiemedlemmer i deres familie via brug af moderne bruger- og ældrevenlig kommunikations-teknologi. Vores mission er ganske enkelt at fjerne afsavn og minimere ensomheden. Vi har udviklet et helt unikt kommunikations-værktøj (som rent faktisk er en verdensnyhed), der muliggør, at eks. en beboer på et plejehjem, kan kommunikere med sine pårørende via videotale ved brug af eget TV. Og dette helt uden brug af nogen form for tastatur eller fjernbetjening. Det hele foregår automatisk ved, at "den som kalder op” (eks. en pårørende) modtager en SMS på ens smartphone, iPad eller PC, og så klikker vedkommende på dette link, og så starter modtagerens TV automatisk op, og ”videolink samtalen” kan begynde. Når eks. den pårørende "afslutter" videosamtalen, så slukker modtagerens TV helt automatisk igen (eller skifter helt automatisk tilbage til flow TV igen). Ideen opstod bl.a. ved, at vi har oplevet meget "ensomhed" på bl.a. plejehjem, hvor manglende kontakt til de pårørende syntes at påvirke beboernes livskvalitet. Desuden har vi et ønske om "at skabe lidt mere liv" hos den ældre del af befolkningen, som måske ikke er helt så teknologivante som gennemsnittet af befolkningen. Mange har et uopdaget behov for at holde deres familierelationer vedlige, men er måske "teknologi-skræmte", "teknologiske analfabeter", eller mangler motoriske færdigheder, er demente mm. og derfor måske har svært ved at kunne håndtere en iPad eller en smartphone. Det kan vi løse med Videolink, som er utroligt simpelt at anvende og desuden ikke kræver nogen fysisk interageren hos modtageren af videokaldet. Med Videolink, vil vi forbinde familier igen, som f.eks. pga alderdom, sygsom, demens etc. er blevet adskilt fra deres familier f.eks. ved at et ældre familiemedlem er flyttet på plejehjem, og dermed måske geografisk er distanceret fra deres familier. Desuden har den igangværende COVID-19 situation vanskeliggjort besøg på eks. plejehjem. Med Videolink håber vi dermed at kunne øget livskvaliteten og reducere ensomhed og afsavn for familier generelt. Vi giver de ældre borgere, som har skabt vores samfund, "en del af deres liv tilbage".


Unitio is a modern and intuitive intranet software that connects and engages employees to drive productivity and efficiency through personalized, social, and timely content. The company is a start-up tech company under the conglomerate Lyne & Lindberg Group consisting of a global group of companies operating in different industries. LL Group’s selection of companies has allowed us to accumulate unique industry insights and knowledge, which we leverage to create synergy between our companies.

Sweet Intentions ApS

We make yummilicious ORGANIC candy infused with fruit and mixed with love.Because we think a bit of what you love makes life good, we’re here to redefine candy and offer the world an alternative – one that’s ORGANIC, unjunked and just better. We’ve done this by cooking up a recipe for soft, chewy goodies without the baddies – goodies flavoured with fruit and free of artificial flavours, colours, sweeteners and preservatives. Watch our promo film:

Fifty Fifty Studio

Fifty Fifty Studio er et web- og marketingsbureau beliggende i Aarhus. Vi er et hold af eksperter i udvikling og optimering af hjemmesider, webshops og online markedsføring. Vi hjælper hver dag mere end 100 iværksættere, små og mellemstore virksomheder i hele Danmark og på tværs af alle brancher. Vi brænder for at skabe værdi for vores kunder og udvikler på baggrund af vores mange års erfaringer, digitale løsning og markedsføring, der matcher deres behov og forretning.


lavaPOINT is a dedicated developer and solution provider for internal communication products for companies. We work on different types of Intranet solutions based on Company needs: Mobile solutions, Industry needs, Modules for different Communication needs. We are based on two locations: Brande, Jutland and Ballerup near Copenhagen.

Frederik Bagger

The Scandinavian design company was founded in 2014 by Frederik Bagger. When Frederik established the company, he wanted to put his mark on the industry by daring to be different. Frederik believed that the industry was in need of a new breath of air - New inspiration - More provocative - Something seductive. Most importantly, something outstanding that challenges perfection. These are the values that make up the universe of Frederik Bagger’s designs.

Optimise-International ApS

Project control through process reporting Optimise International is the creator of Kapio, which is a construction data capture and process reporting platform. Kapio helps those involved in a construction project digitally capture the perquisite contract deliverables, not limited to, progress, quality, health and safety amongst others. It allows users to share this information immediately and securely with fellow project team members and or other stakeholders.