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An online  crowd-buying marketplace connecting sellers and buyers of the beverage industry.We help producers reach buyers and sell more products than ever before.Our logistics set-up enables business and private buyers to source wine, beer & spirits from the producer directly to their store/door.Better wine - cheaper prices - from the farmers

Vigo er et banebrydende deleøkonomisk indkøbs- og udbringningsfællesskab, hvor REMA 1000s kunder hjælper hinanden med at handle og bringe dagligvarer. Siden starten i oktober 2016 har REMA 1000s kunder gået og kørt hvad der svarer til 43 gange rundt om jorden med indkøbsposer for hinanden. Tjenesten er en af den eneste af sin art i verden og blev i 2017 fremhævet af World Economic Forum som en innovativ måde at løse “last-mile-delivery” problemet på.

Consulting Prep

We prepare candidates to ace the toughest job interviews on the planet — Case Interviews. We train ambitious people who want to join elite Management Consulting firms (McKinsey, BCG, and Bain) with Online courses: E-learning videos, exercises, and case simulations Live courses: workshops at top MBA schools such as INSEAD Coaching: Mock interviews and  feedback with senior top consultants If you want to go into consulting, or want to learn the problem solving skills of top consultants, apply now. Consulting Prep is the leading training platform for case interviews. We train the most ambitious students to succeed in their interviews and in their careers for the elite management consulting firms.

Applaus ApS

Applaus sells discounted last minute tickets for theatre, music and movies as part of our mission of a more cultural Denmark. Applaus was established in early 2017 and has a primary focus of engaging the youth in being more cultural. Copenhagen has more than 400 venues with thousands of events each year. By making the journey from idea to experience as easy as possible, Applaus will digitalize the very analogue market for ticketing in Denmark.   We are team of three founders with working experience from banking and management consulting, who are all enthusiastic about making the go-to platform to find cultural events.


With digital innovation we create powerful brands, grow businesses and make the world a better place. We want to challenge the status quo and make tomorrow better with digital. We are always looking for digital talent. If you love to design and build stuff for the internet as much as you like solving complex problems, we encourage you to read on.


Gixter har en stærk vision. Lad os have mere livemusik i verden! Gixter er en online platform til direkte booking af musikere, bands og DJs, uden et dyrt bookingbureau som mellemled. Gixter er den første af sin slags til at disrupte festmusikmarkedet i Danmark, ved hjælp af gennemskuelighed, en anderledes forretningsmodel og brugerdrevet innovation. Gixter - Livemusik lever her. Jeg hedder Laurits Håkansson og er CEO og Founder af Gixter. Gennem min uddannelser, markedsføringsøkonom og bachelor i innovation & entrepreneurship samt diverse studiejobs, dækker jeg en bred palette af kompetencer, der skal til for at skabe virksomhedens fremtidige succes. Mine spidsområder er strategi, salg og kommunikation. Jeg er desuden en medspiller og arbejdshest, der brænder igennem med, hvad jeg foretager mig.

CanopyLAB is an interactive platform that organisations use to engage with the global youth, through conversation-based, activism-driven eLearning experiences.


We're on a mission to connect the world and make it possible to find the perfect place to live anywhere you call home. Everyone knows how difficult it is to find a place to live at a young age or as a student. The prices for apartments in cities worldwide are climbing ever higher, meaning more and more young people need to find a roommate to help lower the cost of rent. There has to be a reliable, safe, and enjoyable way for all these potential roomies to connect. That's why we built Findroommate. Findroommate strives to be the all in one solution for everyone's shared housing needs. We make it easier for anyone to find a home and the roommates to share it with all around the globe. We enable home seekers to find available rooms, or meet others and team up to find the perfect place to live. By partnering with other housing sites and landlords, we make sure that matched roommates can find the right sharable homes to move into. We're a young, dedicated team with an office in Copenhagen, Denmark. Feel free to write us an email, tweet us @Findroommate, or give us a call if you have any questions and we will be sure to get back to you :)


Squire is currently developing a marketplace that facilitates the connection between freelancers and customers. For the freelancers, we provide them with a platform where they can work effortlessly choosing their own rates and schedule. No more stressful job search! They can become a Squire freelancer and start earning with a mere few clicks. For the customers, Squire provides a consolidated marketplace with a variety of services to choose from. They no longer have to worry about service quality due to our rating algorithm and never again do they have to worry about traditionally unresponsive service providers as we ensure a reply or an equally qualified alternative. Some of the founders have worked as freelancers on competing job platforms, and know the needs and shortfalls different freelancers experience when working. We have taken this feedback and added features that counter the negative experiences and allow for a satisfactory experience when working on Squire. In the case of the customers on the platform, our platform provides an easy step by step process, allowing customers to find freelancers much faster than using traditional methods. We have experienced that many people around us have lost their jobs. We want to build a solution to this, providing people who have lost their income a means to earn a living. Efficient access to services is something we believe the danish economy lacks, by creating new demand and supply for service jobs, we hope to stimulate the economy by creating a platform that encourages spending and income generation during a time of suppressed economic growth.


Oamo is a company concept for a blue ocean company - a marketplace based on an old and enormous industry, that has yet stayed unchanged for thousands of years. Please, see the CTO co-founder job opening for further information into the conceptualization of the company as well as further information about the position itself.

Adsensus Denmark

We are Adsensus: sales excellence-geeks with a passion for driving and developing the sales process. We have active projects in the Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Our clients range from Management Consultants and digital transformation to sustainable businesses and law firms. Currently we are 12 employees in Denmark, that mainly works within our business area Operations. We help various companies reach new markets as well as growing on existing ones. Through our values of teamwork, entrepreneurship and leadership by example we have a vision to redefine business-to-business sales and commercial excellence.

Min Drømmebolig ApS

Min Drømmebolig er et nyt og spændende startup med fire iværksættere og nøje udvalgte samarbejdspartnere, som alle har en brændende vision om at ændre boligmarkedet, som vi kender det i dag. Projektet går i korte træk ud på at vi vil skabe en ny og anderledes platform hvor kommende købere og hussælgere kan mødes. På nuværende tidspunkt har hver ejendomsmæglerkæde hver deres køberkartotek, men hvad hvis Danmarks største køberkartotek fandtes uafhængigt af en ejendomsmægler og latente sælgere, som overvejede at sælge kunne teste om de selv kunne finde en køber til deres ejendom uden at bliver opkrævet skyhøje ejendomsmægler vederlag. Køberne ved ofte hvor de gerne vil bo og vi vil åbne boligmarkedet i en grad som aldrig er set magen til før. Endda give køberne mulighed for at give et indikativt tilbud på ejendomme som ikke er til salg. Vi laver et boligmatch. Skaber tryghed. Sørger for køber finder deres drømmebolig og hjælper sælger godt videre uden liggetid og store omkostninger. De sidste mange år er der ikke sket noget revolutionært med hvordan en hushandel foregår. Andet end boligannoncen ved mægler er gået fra avisen til nettet. Vi glæder til at fortælle mere.

Candeno A/S

Candeno is a fast-growing software startup situated in Denmark, consisting of an experienced team of 11 employees. Our mission is to revolutionize the recruitment industry. With more than 25.000 job seekers accessing our platform on an annual basis, we are the leading platform on the Danish market. We operate within the public sector and collaborate closely with jobcentres across the country, supporting their citizen. Our site provides a number of services to the citizens at the jobcentres, ranging from an easily accessible chat service to a top-notch interactive CV-builder. You can visit for more information.

Gonzo Agency

Vi er et reklamebureau og YouTube-kollektiv. Siden 2014 har vi arbejdet med udvikling af content og co-creations med YouTuberne. Tilsammen har Gonzo digital IP med millioner af visninger, hvilket betyder at vi ved hvor de unge er og hvad de kan lide – og hvilket giver os muligheden for at udvikle content der både er relevant og efterspurgt af målgruppen, samt stille det til rådighed på de platforme hvor de er. Vi skaber også datadrevne mediekampagner og reklamekoncepter for unge mellem 10 – 30 år. Gonzo består af client managers, kreative, tekstforfattere, dataanalytiker, videoproducere, klippere og YouTubere. Vi er det første danskejet Google Multi-Channel Network, der inkluderer de største Danske YouTubere. Tilsammen har vores netværk 50+ millioner visninger om måneden, fra ca. 1 million unikke seere. Vores nuværende og tidligere kunder tæller bl.a. Socialdemokratiet, Coca-Cola, MobilePay, Flying Tiger, AIDS-fonden, Jane Kønig, NA-KD, Zalando, Electronic Arts, EA Games m.fl.

Shape Robotics

Fable is a modular construction system that students can use to create their own robot in just a few minutes. The Fable robot system can be used across a range of subjects and classes, allowing students to gain skills they’ll need in the 21st century. The Fable system is composed of three different module types: Function modules, Build modules and Extension modules. Fable is an open-ended system with advanced functionality. Fable encourages students to be both creative and innovative as they build robot prototypes to meet needs in the real world.