Finding a film to watch is a time consuming problem. Reeload offers a mobile application that helps people with interest in film to find what they’re looking for swiftly by linking social media platforms to a personalized search engine. An engine backed up by data from several streaming services, including Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, Hulu and Itunes.
Why (Purpose)To enhance the quality of entertainmentHowBy making it easier to find and choose quality movies and series on the platforms you use. ProductsReeload app:Finding a film to watch is a time consuming problem. Reeload offers a mobile application that helps people with interest in film to find what they’re looking for swiftly by linking social media platforms to a personalized search engine. An engine backed up by data from several streaming services, including Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, Hulu and Itunes. FutureCreate apps for more platforms, and then become a streaming service ourselves.