In a world of giants and power imbalances, Näktergal is helping challengers to triumph. Näktergal is on a mission to reinvent banking systems. Founded in Stockholm in 2015, we build beautiful consumer experiences, and intelligent features to make lending efficient and straightforward for everyone.
Näktergal is the Swedish FinTech propelling mortgages into the age of the cloud. We are the tech behind mortgages challengers. Our cloud-based service enables operators to scale quickly and streamline operations. We offer end-to-end mortgage solutions for mortgages, business lending and consumer loans, as well as a deposits system. For consumers, Näktergal offers a user-friendly, intuitive and mobile-adapted loan application and management. Näktergal was founded in 2015 by Erik Bennerhult and Mikael Abrahamsson and is currently in the Swedish and Finnish market. For more information, visit