Creative Content Manager and Producer

Salary Competitive
Equity To be negotiated

Join a friendly tech-startup with more than 250.000 users in the first 6 months.

You are a creative person with experience in marketing and communication with modern channels such as Social media and Google. 

You will be in charge of the creative content strategy  You love to create engaging content that resonate with the millennial generation. You will day-by-day build pillar social content than be cut in to smaller and shared across all the channels. 

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Working at
nordic health

"Adidas for the mind"We started with an App we launched back in August named Reflectly -  your personal AI-driven mindfulness companion. Since then more than 250.000 users have followed.  Today, Reflectly is a question based-journal that gives motivational morning content and ask about your day and how you felt during the night.  In April an updated version will be launched containing audio-sessions to match with the users needs and problems.

Read more about nordic health

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