Webdeveloper with strong Laravel skills

Salary Competitive
  • You are a strong PHP developer with a good business sense
  • If we say Laravel, it feels like home for you
  • It is a clear advantage if you have knowledge of AWS and Platform-as-a-service
  • It's an advantage if you've been part of a development team at least a few developers and knowing about SCRUM, DevOps or another form of agile development
  • If you also know about Vue.js and Bootstrap, it is also an advantage but not a requirement


Who are you? 

First of all, you are passionate about web development and are curious.

To become a part of our team, you are as a person outgoing, collaborative and has passion for web development. You have an infectious mood and a high level of professionalism that makes your colleagues have a better working day with you on the team.

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Working at
Mybanker A/S

Mybanker er en fintech-virksomhed, der siden år 2000 har arbejdet for at gøre det lettere for danske bankkunder at træffe oplyste økonomiske beslutninger. Vi skaber transparens på det finansielle marked ved at bruge avanceret teknologi til at skabe kontakt mellem bankkunder og banker for at facilitere et potentielt bankskifte. På vores website kan man derudover sammenligne priser og renter på opsparing, investering, billån, boligfinansiering, forbrugslån og daglig økonomi.

Read more about Mybanker A/S

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