We @BotSupply are looking for somebody with a creative as well as analytical mind to growth hack our bot campaigns, being them our owns or working side by side with our world-class clients. Are you ready to get your hands dirty and join a team of AI scientists, bot engineers and bot enthusiasts?
Here is a list of potential responsibilities our growth hacker should take, but many more could actually be included as well.
Our goal is to have a 3 months unpaid internship followed by a full-time contract.
- Choosing in accordance with the other departments which metrics/KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to focus on.
- Bringing traditional and creative ideas how to grow those KPIs.
- Make bots viral
- A/B testing ideas and marketing hacks.
- Analyzing the data and users’ feedback.
- Exchanging ideas/data/feedback with other departments (Product, marketing, top management) in order to present results and make the product more user-centric.
- Driving traffic to the bots.
- Working on a lean startup process.
- Working with the AARRR Sales Metrics Diagram (Acquisition – Activation – Retention – Referral - Revenue)
- Prioritizing growth channels.
- Optimizing channels.
- Scaling and Automating the growth processes.
- Creating viral growth
- Build content that attracts a qualified audience
- Optimizing the content’s distribution through newsletters and social networks
- Monitor and engage in relevant social discussions
- Track, measure and provide insights of the performance of our social media activities
This job comes with several perks and benefits