Community manager

Salary Competitive

Pulsereads is the worlds first social bookstore. The platform is used by bloggers, influencers, authors, critics and readers who share their reviews, booklists etc with the community/followers. They will receive a share of the revenues.

Communicating with existing influencers and customers and onboarding new ones.

Work on our social media strategy, Facebook, newsletters, blog and participate on various events.

Strong social and interpersonal skills and a key eye for design is a must.

Experience with HTML and Javascript is a bonus.

Flexible workhours


Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Working at

Worlds first social bookstore. Pulsereads is Facebook for books that offer sharing economy to the community members. We establish word of mouth as a currency. On Pulsereads bloggers, critics, authors and friends can connect and inspire each other. Pulsereads share the revenues from all the sales generated.

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