Spiio is looking for an independent Sales Manager who can bring our sales efforts to the next level. Your primary objective is to help bring our MRR through the roof over the coming years. The core of the job is within sales with everything it involves; lead generation, canvassing, sales meetings, follow-up procedures and so forth. Not only do we expect that you are a social extrovert and super good with people, but also a terrific listening, who are able to really dig into our customers' worlds.
The job require that our green visions fuel you on a daily basis. We expect full dedication and, as we have created a lively, fun and easygoing work culture, working for Spiio requires a super ambitious mindset in return. We offer you an opportunity to part of the core team that are building a global sales organization, while kicking doors in to customers all over the world from the United States, over The Netherlands and Singapore.
This job comes with several perks and benefits