A personal shopper, a personal assistant, a gift expert

Salary Competitive

Glimty is working to develop a new, easier way to buy gifts. Clients chat with one of our assistants directly via Facebook Messenger, with help of a chatbot we are developing. We offer a concierge service for buying gifts, saving people time, stress and energy in the jungle of shops and options. Customers come to us for help, and together with your skills, we will find the perfect gift to match the occasion and the recipient's personality and interests - you will be the expert!

We are looking for online personal assistants with a passion for shopping, finding the perfect gifts and keeping up with current trends! (The expertise will come with the job and is not a requirement). Glimty is a brand new service that helps remove the stress and frustration of finding the right gift. Through our service on Facebook Messenger we will assist customers in finding the best gift for any and every occasion. They say to what and who, we ask a few questions and provide good suggestions based on your knowledge, problem solving skills and creativity using our search database and other resources you have at your disposal. We specialize in personalized, original, quality gifts with great variety and scope.

We need talented, dedicated and efficient people to be part of our unique team. You will have a significant role with us. We will help you to develop yourself further and build new and improved skills. We will offer regular workshops and follow-up meetings, we will teach you everything you need to know, and in addition to that you will have influence in how we develop as a company. We pride ourselves on a flat working structure.


Skills we are looking for:


  • Creative problem solver
  • Independent
  • Good at writing (In Norwegian)
  • Some experience in customer care / service industry
  • Great at finding new products and service ideas.
  • Great with people, giving advice and tips
  • A person that friends and family go to help for
  • Be naturally friendly


Your job will be:


  • Assisting clients in chat in finding the perfect gift
  • Providing personal and friendly service (in writing) to all our customers
  • Finding cool new products / experiences to give as a gift
  • Using our tools (training / course is part of the job)


What we can offer:


  • A very pleasant, international team
  • Good knowledge and new skills
  • Room for self-development and personal growth
  • Great experience into business development
  • Be a part of something from the start
  • A completely new, different kind of job
  • Commission-based pay
  • Flexible hours, you can work from anywhere you want as long as you have a PC / Mac
  • Goes well as extra next job / studies


What is expected of you:


  • Keep up to date on trends and new products
  • Eager to learn
  • Wants to be a part of an exciting team that is growing
  • Be motivated and have a good work ethic



You can work from anywhere, from your Mac / PC, whenever it suits you. You choose how much you work and when. The more you work the more you learn and the more you earn




Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Working at
Glimty - Something Norwegian

We have decided to change the direction of being a gifting marketplace to a marketplace focusing on Norwegian quality products. We want to gather smaller Norwegian brands and businesses together to strengthen their position against the larger corporations. We need to make it easier to find and buy good Norwegian local products as well as trying to change consumers buying behavior step by step. From the mall to Glimty to support the smaller ones. If we want to keep the uniqueness and variety of our market within our borders, we need to act now.Glimty - Something Norwegian.  We started Glimty because we saw that during the last couple of years having an online store has become more of a nuisance than an advantage to many businesses. Each of these new stores simply makes the ecommerce space even more crowded for local, well-crafted and original products. Furthermore, online stores are becoming difficult to navigate and currently have very low conversion rates. Our solution takes on the challenge of improving the customer experience of existing online stores and marketplaces to the level of personalization only provided by a visit to an actual physical store. We have built the best solution in the market to guarantee that the customer receives online assistance from a semi-automated digital clerk resulting in a higher conversion rate and potential recurring customers.We have partnered with a number of independent and small Norwegian retailers and Norwegian made products/Services as we want to give these companies a voice and a chance to compete with the larger brands and companies that saturate the market due to their huge marketing budgets. We provide an increased likelihood of a customer to purchase one of our partner’s products as every interaction occurs through one-on-one conversations when the user is already in the mindset of making a purchase of a gift. We also offer their products in personalized collections. They obtain a commercialization channel totally focused on the shopping experience of the customer. The benefits of being featured in our store, blog or chatbot describing the characteristics of the products increases their marketing reach, obtaining customers that discover these products whilst in the mindset of buying gifts. Daniel and James met each other 2 years ago and have been studying many frameworks and theories of entrepreneurship and innovation throughout their master studies at University of Oslo. Being students we started with little and so we had to rely on our ability to adapt to any situation by implementing and recombining our resources in an innovative way, in particular through our connections and networks. The gifting aspect is just the first phase and a method for introducing the Chatbot Technology into the Norwegian market. This approach also came from the experience that our CEO, Susanne Wesner, obtained by founding a company in 2015 and suffering first hand the struggle of building a business relying solely on an ecommerce store as a source of revenue. Daniel built that first version of an automated customer assistance system for Susanne’s business, and with feedback and work from Susanne and James, the team continued developing the solution towards the technology that Glimty is introducing to the market.

Read more about Glimty - Something Norwegian

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